Very interesting and sharp images. I am wondering about one thing in image #2.
The barrels of the M-1 Garand rifles carried by the soldiers in the jeep seem to have an extended barrel...
The M-1 rifles I have used did not have a protruding barrel. Their barrels looked like this...
It looks as if these M-1 rifles were actually equipped with a T-37 flash supressor.
The T-37 was part of The M1D sniper rifle and was of Korean War vintage. I have not be able to ascertain if the T-37 flash suppressors were attached to any M-1 rifles during World War II. Obviously, these Garand rifles were not equipped with telescopic sights. So were they either M1D rifles of M1 rifles with the T-37 added...
Thousands of M1 rifles were sold to he public by the U.S. Director of Civilian Marksmanship (note - none have been used in crimes).
So much for information which you probably never cared about in the first place...