After 40 years of [only] using the camera metering, I've started studying ISO in it's various forms, for which I needed to figure out the sensor exposure on a camera. I did have one of these to hand:
Said to be 5% accurate, even with that tiny little dead-flat window (arrowed). But it has no 'hold' button and it's not really a Photography Tool, eh?
So I splurged a whopping 49 bucks on this fine little machine - deliberately choosing one with ASA and footcandles, just for the fun of it:
I do like those 'analog' functions much as I love my high-quality vernier caliper, my Jepperson flight computer, etc. BUT . . readings from these two meters are wildly different - in spite of the Seller saying that the Sekonic was recently calibrated. (Yes, it's a selenium cell and, yes, it's very clean, not crazed, etc, etc.).
So, what's a body to do but spend more money, $29 this time on a used TES-1334 . .
Nice and simple. When it gets here, what's the betting that all three will read different . .![]()