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Thread: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

  1. #1
    travis4567's Avatar
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    Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    Owning a Jack Russell Terrier has been quite an adventure. Rocky has caught many animals in our backyard, mostly birds in flight. This was his first squirrel and he was so proud.
    I haven't photographed his conquests before but the camera was right there on the table so....

    Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

  2. #2

    Re: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    A lower position of the camera could have made all the difference to get a real wallhanger.

    All the best

  3. #3
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    Hi Travis,

    +1 to Werner's comments.


    P.S. If I had a dog that killed the local wildlife, I don't think that I would brag about it

  4. #4

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    Re: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    In UK grey squirrels are vermin

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    Except for the coloring, you can see the resemblance between Rocky and my Rough Coated Jack Russell Terrier, Sasha!

    Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    Sasha is the first terrier I have ever owned and I really like and respect her. Terriers are bred for getting rid of vermin. They are smart, energetic and brave dogs...

    She has chased the majority of the rabbit population off my property. I have a fenced in acre with a large area of slope, on which I have planted low growing prostrate Rosemary; through which the rabbits had formed tunnels or rabbit runs. My 55-pound Goldendoodle would chase the rabbits but, is too large to navigate through the tunnels. That's where my 12-pound terrier comes into play. At twelve pounds, she is small enough to chase the bunnies through the rabbit runs in the Rosemary. She hasn't caught many but, they have learned that our property is not a safe haven. The Rosemary makes her smell nice also

    Sasha has done about the same for squirrels. I dislike having squirrels on my property since they are carriers of fleas. Sasha has not caught too many of the squirrels either but, since I have adopted her, the population of squirrels has downsized drastically.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 19th December 2016 at 03:14 AM.

  6. #6
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    My Doberman Pinscher used to bring me snakes (live) and would drop them on command.
    Last edited by LePetomane; 18th December 2016 at 07:44 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: Poor Squirrel, Rocky got him, graphic

    Quote Originally Posted by Rent View Post
    In UK grey squirrels are vermin
    But they don't lob their empty Macdonalds cartons into my garden, puke on the pavement, attempt to kill me when I'm cycling, let fireworks off at 2am or crap on my lawn (or if they do, it is done very discreetly)
    Give me a grey squirrel for a neighbour in preference to a sizeable portion of my own species
    Last edited by Davejl; 18th December 2016 at 05:37 PM.

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