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Thread: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Am starting to get towards the end of my Yosemite and Easter Sierra pictures that I think are worth showing for comment. The final edit of what you have already seen and the few still to go, still has to take place so that I end up with the 10 - 15 images that I think stand up to the test and are worthy of being those that I'm willing to include in a Yosemite Gallery.

    Then I've still to get to work on my 'Bodie State Park' pics and those that I've called 'People in the Park'.

    Your views and comments on this one will be welcome.

    In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

  2. #2

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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Donald, I find this one compositionally awkward. The tall tree at center frame draws my attention like a giant pointer but it doesn't point to anything. Not my favorite.

  3. #3
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Nice one Donald, this says Yosemite to me too.

    Dan - step back and take it down a notch, it's just a tree at the edge of the meadow, it doesn't have to point to anything at all.

    -I'd like to see the color version of this too.

  4. #4
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite


  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    Dan - step back and take it down a notch, it's just a tree at the edge of the meadow, it doesn't have to point to anything at all.
    I know what you mean, Alan, but I respect Dan for his comment. I think we have to apply the appropriate level of comment and criticism on here. I present myself as an advanced amateur, so should expect, as I do, the most earnest and demanding comments and criticism.

    When we set out to offer criticism on a forum like this, I think we have to consider the knowledge and experience levels of the person asking for the critique. In other words, I see no point in delivering the same sort of criticism to someone who got their first camera last week as I would ask and expect in relation to my own work. It's all about trying to help people learn and improve.

    I'd like to see the color version of this too.
    Will never exist. As I've said many times on here, my decision about making a B & W image is made before I press the shutter. So this was always going to be a B & W image. I obviously see colour in the file as I'm processing it, but it will never exist as a B & W image. That's just a rule I impose upon myself.

    There have been many images in this Yosemite series that I've thought would make a very good colour image. However, they were not shot to be a colour image so therefore they will not be. That's just how it is with me and my photography. So, I hope I'm not perceived as rude when I say 'No' to showing a colour version.

  6. #6
    bje07's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    This B&W works well for me at its span goes from pure black to pure white. I like it. I'm sad to know it's the last one on this series

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Quote Originally Posted by bje07 View Post
    I'm sad to know it's the last one on this series
    Not THE last, Jean. There are a few more.

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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    This kind of image can easily, perhaps more easily than most images, be perceived very differently regarding what the subject is. For me, both my initial and prolonged reactions are that the tall tree to the right of dead center is the subject and that everything else including the foreground and background frame it as the subject. In that context, the composition works very well for me.

    I've gotta mention the foreground area. Though it is bright overall, it's amazing to closely examine the detail and realize how much of it really isn't bright at all. That's similar to examining a well-executed image of an ocean wave in bright sunlight; it appears bright overall but it's the many grey tones that make the bright whites pop. The same is true for me of the foreground area of this image and it's very appealing.

  9. #9
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Not THE last, Jean. There are a few more.

  10. #10
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    I understand what you're saying Donald (about Dan's comment). I'm just saying you worked with the scene given you and did a good job of it. What did he expect you to do, cut the tree down? Or clone it out, ie fake the photo?
    Maybe I'm too much of a simpleton when it comes to this kind of thing and that's why the tree doesn't bother me as much as it does him.

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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Critiquing critique now are we? What shall we do then, Alan? Simply fawn over one another? And turn CiC into just another internet forum? Or we could go the other route and brow beat anyone we disagree with until they just go away.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    ...What did he expect you to do...
    But since you ask, I expect him to be THE Donald of CiC Who knows what priority to place on comments from a non landcape, nearly exclusively color photographer. Granted I under estimated crowd response ...

    May peace be upon us all this Christmas season.

  12. #12

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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    I like the composition . The brights in the FG bothered me at first sight but they look good when viewed in lightbox. Very nice image

  13. #13
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    The first item I noticed in this image, was the pine tree in the center. It stands out as it's the only tree with the top above the mountains...and it's in the center. If the intent of the image was to show the majesty of the pines, then I believe it achieves that goal (especially considering the pines on the left mountainside, it makes you realize how large they might be). If the purpose was the showcase those amazing mountains, then I'm not so sure about it, as that center tree takes away from it for me.

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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Opinion is an opinion and that all it is, honestly given that all that matters. One don't have to agree with it. I think its a fabulous image. That only my opinion.

  15. #15
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Dan, I don't have a problem with your comments, it's just I don't see how he could have made the tree point to something.
    I also don't see why it needs to point to something. It is what it is, a tree at the edge of the meadow. It was probably about 3-4ft high when I was at that meadow as a kid.
    I also think Donald is missing a lot by not showing the color version as the tree would then be pointing at the cobalt blue sky I'm sure. But that's his choice and our loss as I see it.
    Peace to all.

  16. #16

    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    I am totally envious of the fact that you were there to begin with... It's a stunning location.

    As far as the dreaded tree goes, I get Dan's point and totally respect it and the way he expressed it. However, I find the scene so overwhelmingly beautiful that it doesn't really bug me... it's nature and sometimes that comes with a bit of chaos.

  17. #17
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Lovely capture...

  18. #18
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Nice crisp capture.

  19. #19
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Not THE last, Jean. There are a few more.
    Good such a wonderful series Donald.

  20. #20

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    Re: In Leidig Meadow, Yosemite

    Personally, I find that the tree pins the background to the foreground. A very nice affect in my eye. I think centering that tree was a good decision, especially how it is framed with the U shape of the glacial cut upper section of the background. My eye gets caught by the tree and up, then to the left or right, back down to the meadow and back up the tree for a trip down the other side and back up the tree in an endless perusal of the whole capture. A figure 8 examination of the shot. Well balanced. A darn pretty picture.

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