I admit to being tired so it could just be me but nothing is drawing my eyes
I prefer cop #2. I don't think the anchor buoy and pendant add a lot to the foreground and they are a bit two centered which draws my eye to scan vertically in a pano.
It's a personal preference but I like my sunrises and sets a bit on the warm side. Sooooo, I used FastStone and took the liberty to reduce green a bit and increase red. Reducing the green helped the water on the right side become a darker blue/grey and adding red warmed the sky.
Hi Brian,
Thanks for comments, suggestions, and edited example. Did you apply the color adjustments to the overall image or in selected regions?
FastStone only lets me apply adjustments on the overall image. It does have a spot heal and redeye function that are specific locations but everything else is global. I use it for quickly comparing and sorting out bad images and can make quick changes globally to see what the effect is. For more specific work I use other programs.
That's not always a bad thing. You have a lot of reflected light in that image and modifying the source area should also affect the reflected light.
Nicely done.
Awesome looking clouds/rays. This is a similar example to Donald's recent post about the sky being the subject. You might try a 2x1 pano cropping it just above the boat in the left of frame. Unless you consider the boats the primary subject it is simply a distraction IMO, too close to edge and pointing out of the frame.
Last edited by Saorsa; 21st December 2016 at 01:16 AM.
very lovely place and images
Ilike the second crop best John.