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Thread: Making the sky the subject 1

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Making the sky the subject 1

    Usually, in a landscape image, the sky has an important supporting role. It is an integral part of the image. A potentially spectacular image can often fail because the sky is not right. In that case all you can do is walk away and try again another day.

    But then sometimes the sky is so dramatic that it demands to be the primary focus of interest in an image. On the coast the sky is constantly changing. What you see one moment may be completely different within a few seconds.

    So going out with the idea of making the sky the primary subject in a landscape image does give you another perspective and helps train your eye to be really looking at what will work as a picture.

    Your comments and critique are always welcome.

    Making the sky the subject 1

  2. #2

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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Your picture is so well balanced Donald that the sky improves the foreground as well. I am a big lover of sky pictures and use it perhaps too much. When I started to learn photography ( and some water colour painting ) I went out and took some 200+ pictures of just cloud formations but then again as you say, living by the coast you get quick changes .

    And your preferred B & W photos lend themselves to this type of compositions.

  3. #3

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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Lovely shot. Indeed, the temporal nature of cloud can be irritating:

    The other day there was some "big weather" here, and there was a light gray uniform layer of cloud with a dead-straight edge from horizon to horizon - contrasting nicely with the perfectly clear blue sky above and behind me. Was just like looking up at a front on a Real World weather map.

    Excitedly, I took some hurried snaps with the smart-phone and continued into town for lunch where I discovered the meaning of 'festina lente' - they were all horribly out of focus. On returning from lunch, the front was long gone.

  4. #4

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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Well executed image with great detail and DoF.

  5. #5

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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Skies most definitely make fabulous subjects whether above landscapes, seascapes or cityscapes and this one is no exception. My only qualm about the composition is the dark area at the top right edge of the frame, as it pulls my eye out of the frame. When I eliminate that area, the lines in the sky sweep down in the most wonderful way from the left side toward the land and off into the never ending distance.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Donald - I agree completely. The sky is a critical component in most landscape shots (and I include urban landscapes and seascapes in the definition of landscapes). Unless the sky complements the rest of the image, the shot does not work. In some shots, the sky is the key element that makes the scene and at other times, it is an adjunct element that complements the elements on the ground.

    Just as an aside - +1 to Miles comment about the dark spot in the sky. That struck me as well when I first looked at this image.

  7. #7

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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Great learning moment, Donald. And a good example also of one time where B/W can have an advantage over color imagery.

  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    Whenever the weather is less than calm you'll usually find a good sky subject. Nicely captured.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: Making the sky the subject 1

    And the sky is a large integral part of this image. The sky is wonderful.

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