Table manners have improved
It didn't take the puppies very long to graduate from the flat dish to the Flying Saucer Dish. The Flying Saucer keeps the uneaten food in the dish and is a lot neater way to feed the pups. This dish also keeps the puppies separated while they are eating.
These pups are really remarkable in how fast they have transitioned from mom's milk to their ground up kibble. In fact, they now have teeth (which mom no longer likes on her nipples) and she has totally weaned the puppies. Pretty soon, we will be able to transition the puppies from the ground up kibble to the puppy kibble without being ground...
Luckily, all of these puppies are close to the same size. This way, we don't have to feed any smaller puppy separately to make sure that it gets its share...
Re: Table manners have improved
It seems that they will be bigger than their mom when they are grown ups :) :eek:
Re: Table manners have improved
Originally Posted by
It seems that they will be bigger than their mom when they are grown ups :) :eek:
I think that they might be a bit bigger. Right now the four have a total weight of more than mom...
Socializing the puppies...
Our friend's precocious daughters are expert at socializing dogs and puppies. They simply will not let a dog or a puppy remain afraid of them:eek:
We have promised them that they can visit the puppies every week...
Asking them to sit down while holding the pups is a safety matter...
We allowed them to name the dogs that really excited them. They chose Socks, Mikey, Tucker and Toby.
Re: Their First Solid Meal
This is what Rita's puppies look like now. The different colored ties are to identify them. People will say, I'm interested in the one with the checkered tie and so on...
Toby had his ears pinned back during the shoot. We will try again later. Usually, when a dog is afraid, it calms down during the second or third shoots...
Re: Their First Solid Meal