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Thread: Old member going stale

  1. #1
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Old member going stale

    Its been so long I'd forgotten my password and name.

    I feel like I need to re-invent myself. Have a snip and tuck, get a hair cut and lose some weight.
    Then again, I might just go lay down with a good book.

    Seems like this is the only forum left on my list. Apparently people don't like my personality, or possibly my language, sarcasm, looks or photos.

    It's xmas time. Bah, humbug. The shops are chaotic, I can't get near the post office, soppy xmas songs at every turn, people preparing to be nice to one another, and a cyclone has just hit the coast. Perhaps the wind and rain will wash all the xmas decorations from the trees and I can get some rest from all the good will.

    Being an atheist in a predominantly christian country ain't easy. Talk about religious freedom. I'm the one who must conform. Even the muslims don't like me.

    So, what do I do? Go to the land of Catholicism: Italy.

    Trouble is I like Italy and all things Italian. Ill share some pics.

    Here's a starter.

    Bugger! I've forgotten how to post a picture.

    I'll be back. Don't go away.

    Old member going stale

    That worked. I should have read the fine print
    Last edited by tomdinning; 21st December 2016 at 12:31 AM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Old member going stale

    With the limited information available in this post alone I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that people not liking you has nothing to do with your religious beliefs

    Move on over here. We're not quite there yet but no doubt will soon have anti-discrimination protections in place for those who are handicapped by having their gluteus maximus situated above the trapezius. I know it sounds improbable but I've waited too long to give up hope now

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    I enjoyed most (nearly all) of your insightful comments you use to make a while ago. I assumed you had disappeared into a monastery - but evidently not....

    The umbrella colour is great as is the internal tonal range. I am not sold on the terracotta coloured stripe top left. An interesting photo. Glad to see you posting again.

  4. #4
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    G'day Paul.

    NZ,eh. Is that a suburb of Bondi?

    No, I haven't changed. Not much point. Too close to death for that. I now have a stack of Italian words to abuse people with.

    It's possible my photos are a reflection of my bitchiness. Defiant, contrary, argumentative, brash, untidy, poorly dressed and arrogant, in your face reflections of how life and its contents appear to me.

    Photography is my way of expression and like my language, I have little interest in how people perceive them or would prefer to see them.

    Some days I wonder why I bother showing others what I do. I'm thinking that I want to show others that, regardless of what others think of their pictures, it's OK to do your own thing, be different, even being ****e at it as long as you enjoy what you do and don't hurt anyone in the process.

    I love what I do. I love being contrary. I look through the viewfinder and wonder how else can I see this.

    The stripe stays.



  5. #5
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Your geography needs a brush up and should not be confused with demographics.....

    Yes, photography should be an expression not a competition. I prefer to either enjoy or not to enjoy a photograph and make no comment at all. In fact I have enjoyed looking at your other photographs. The street scene with the women and dog certainly brought back pleasant memories of a few days in Paris. I don't know where it was taken but that is unimportant in my enjoyment of it.

    Who knows - if we look at enough of your photographs we may think we understand you.....
    Last edited by pnodrog; 21st December 2016 at 08:57 AM.

  6. #6
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Hi Tom,
    I have always enjoyed your photos and comments. Perhaps we are birds of a feather. Welcome back.

  7. #7
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    As the following image implies, a photograph is the act of recording what is not seen. The photograph is the Zen of seeing nothing yet perceiving everything.

    The photograph has nothing within its nature but is innately informative of ourself.

    The photograph which is coherent to everyone in the same way makes a mockery of us.

    In response to such conservativism we can fight back with the mystery of never knowing if we will know.

    Old member going stale

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale


    Absolutely nothing wrong with atheism as long as you don't try to force that down some one else's throat or throats. IMO, the same is for religion...

    These folks have their own Atheist channel on YouTube and apparently, they believe it is their calling to show up religion for a farce and religious people as idiots...

    No one knows my own beliefs because I don't wear religion or lack of religion on my sleeve.

  9. #9

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    Re: Old member going stale

    Quote Originally Posted by tomdinning View Post
    Its been so long I'd forgotten my password and name.

    I feel like I need to re-invent myself. Have a snip and tuck, get a hair cut and lose some weight.
    Then again, I might just go lay down with a good book.

    Seems like this is the only forum left on my list. Apparently people don't like my personality, or possibly my language, sarcasm, looks or photos.

    It's xmas time. Bah, humbug. The shops are chaotic, I can't get near the post office, soppy xmas songs at every turn, people preparing to be nice to one another, and a cyclone has just hit the coast. Perhaps the wind and rain will wash all the xmas decorations from the trees and I can get some rest from all the good will.

    Being an atheist in a predominantly christian country ain't easy. Talk about religious freedom. I'm the one who must conform. Even the muslims don't like me.

    So, what do I do? Go to the land of Catholicism: Italy.

    Trouble is I like Italy and all things Italian. Ill share some pics.

    Here's a starter.

    Bugger! I've forgotten how to post a picture.

    I'll be back. Don't go away.

    Old member going stale

    That worked. I should have read the fine print
    Love the umbrella. As for the rest... sounds about normal to this curmudgeon.

  10. #10
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Tom, I like the umbrella.

  11. #11

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    Re: Old member going stale

    Nice brolly Tom. I just heard on this morning's early news that a university research project found that older Aussies are the happiest people in the land. I'll leave it to you and your superior eloquence to describe what a WOFTAM that was. But, none the less, I welcome you to the Happiest People in Australia club.
    A very merry Christmas,

    PS. we could really do with some of that rain (but not the cyclonic winds) that Ivette is dumping on you.
    Last edited by DickyOZ; 24th December 2016 at 01:58 AM.

  12. #12

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    Re: Old member going stale

    Grouchy, grumpy, cranky, crotchety, cantankerous, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, irascible,
    are just a few of the words used to describe me...welcome.

  13. #13

    Re: Old member going stale

    "Defiant, contrary, argumentative, brash, untidy, poorly dressed and arrogant" describes many artist! Don't feel bad, approaching my eightieth year and at times demonstrate many of the same traits, but not all at once. See by the date am slightly behind the times, what's new!

  14. #14
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Quote Originally Posted by TallTree View Post
    "Defiant, contrary, argumentative, brash, untidy, poorly dressed and arrogant" describes many artist! Don't feel bad, approaching my eightieth year and at times demonstrate many of the same traits, but not all at once. See by the date am slightly behind the times, what's new!
    Top marks for spotting it was an old thread. Very glad you don't display all the traits at once but I am not sure many of us will be able to make such a claim....

  15. #15
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Hi Tom ! How are you ?
    What's the umbrella for, if it is not raining ?

    I like best
    Quote Originally Posted by tomdinning View Post
    Old member going stale

  16. #16
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Nice effort, would've liked to see more of the interior and either less or more of the doormat for a more complete display of the shapes within the composition. My suggestions may not meet your specific vision but when there are so many elements within I get a feeling of incompletion when areas are severely cropped.

  17. #17
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    This is just a thought... Take it for what it is worth.

    IMO, often people who profess not to care about what people think of them or say about them are ones who care the most about just that!

    Welcome back... I do like your images...

  18. #18
    New Member SuffolkBobby's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    I can count myself amongst those with all of those a few more including hard up and happy, piston broke etc.but I doubt I'll lose my sense of humour (Came darn close with the poll tax though!) This image sums me up nicely.
    Old member going stale

  19. #19
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    Hey folks, the thread was revived, but as far as I can see, Tom (the OP) hasn't posted for 3 years.

  20. #20
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Old member going stale

    He came to Europe not long ago.
    I know him from other forum but it looks he has been inactive here for some time now...
    I also have been in this situation... and I came back !
    Cheers !

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