I have been struggling to really understand what the Selective Color Adjustment Does in PS. I have tried reading some blog post and videos...just not clicking.
What I am talking about is
Image -> Adjustments -> Selective Color
It then pulls up a Dialog Box with Colors in Drop Down (Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta, White, Neutrals, Blacks). Below which are sliders
Cyan - Red (not shown)
Magenta - Green (not shown)
Yellow - Blue (not shown)
Blacks - White (not shown)
What I have been doing is selecting a color - say Red and then sliding the first slider Cyan-Red to the Cyan Side and this cause the Red colors in the photograph to really pop. I have found that Red at 100% is a bit too much, and usually end up at about 50%. I then cycle through the other colors (yellow, green, etc) and do the same thing on the sliders...most of the time ending up going to 100% the other way. With the exception of Black - usually that is only about 5-10%.
At first I thought this could be replicated in LR with just the HSL tab - but frankly the colors do not "Pop" as much as they do when using the PS.
Can someone explain what this adjustment is doing....can it be replicated in LR? It is one of the main reason I goto PS, that and dodging and burning.
I will try and post some photos later to show what exactly I see on my end.