Looking for a good photo editor that isn't focused too much on digital scrapbooking like Memory Mixer or even Photoscape X. Most editors now have RAW conversion so until I can master that I'll worry about it but for now I may just stick with JPEGS or shooting in both.
What I'm mainly concerned in my shots is creating sharper images, and being able to emphasize certain colors within a shot. For example, a shot of a Christmas tree decorated outside a house, and saturating the colored lights on the tree specifically, and things of that nature. I'm also concerned with being able to REMOVE objects in the shot I don't want, like for example if I shoot an image containing something reflective, like glass, and a person or object is reflected in that glass that I don't want there. At least being able to darken them out so it doesn't get in the way, and things of that nature.
I've used basic Windows editors as well as Memory Mixer and right now am playing with Photoscape, so since I'm a beginner I'd like a good photo editor that is actually user-friendly. I've tried Adobe a few times recently and honestly couldn't for the life of me figure out much of anything that wasn't more or less basic. At the same time though, I don't want something so watered down to where my options are completely limited.
Any advice is appreciated, thanks again!