This exercise is elementary to most of the people who post on this site, but I wanted to bring two examples (out of several taken) to my P52 to illustrate to myself what the difference of ISO can mean. I handheld my camera but I don’t detect any camera shake in these. What I do see is more “noise” in #2. I also know that aperture and speed settings can add to the affect of “noise” but mostly, I was playing with the ISO setting for this display. (Pics shot in Aperture Priority mode)
If I am making an error in my assumption, please correct me!
Who would have thought that rubber bands would be interesting…….. I like how they appear.
#1 - 2426
1/8ss – f/4.0 - 24mm - ISO 100
#2 - 2424
1/30ss – f/6.3 – 25mm – ISO800
Difficult subject as well, with plenty of potential problems for over exposed hot spots and over saturation etc; but you have kept things well under control with these shots.
Nice set.
Very artistic!
Nice images Sandy![]()
I was hoping the weather would become more mild and pleasant but I guess not! Thunder storms and then becoming colder. No sunshine! So I decided to be creative and experiment with the dynamics of the settings on my camera inside my home.
The scenes came to be, because we kept our grandson for care since there wasn’t any school one day last week. Keeping him occupied was my goal. I brought out a long forgotten train set that we finally succeeded in running! After he went home, I kept it set up and attempted lots of pics. The two below are different but I’m satisfied with them.
I did play with lighting a bit using a floor light and a desk light. Not sure it is noticeable. I was trying to make the light indirect but still get some use of it in the pics.
Comments are always appreciated!
#1 had black velvet as its background. How on earth people clean up the velvet easily (?) is beyond me! I finally got most of the speckles out of it and I was content with the result.
Camera resting on the floor and I used a remote shutter switch.
F/13 – ISO400 – 33mm - .4ss
#2 I like even better because I am a fan of blue colors. I’d set up the background on the dining room table, and arranged my train, trees and rocks.
Used the tripod this time since I was off the floor. (oh my aching bones….)
F13 – ISO200 – 25mm – 1.6ss
Such difficult subjects, Sandy, particularly those rocks. But you have produced images with very good exposure and a nice depth of focus.
Great effort!
I'm a little early for Week 13 but...... We finally had a mild day - overcast since there is rain threatening our area. I wanted to take the wide angle lens out again and see what I could do. No tripod since I didn’t bother with it today.
Comments are always welcome!
The first one is a pic of our high-school built in 1925. There is a new building almost completed and it is located directly east (behind) of our old one. When the school year is finished for the summer, this building will be demolished. I’m not happy about this decision but it is said that it would cost more than it is worth to rehabilitate it.
#1 (2599)
1/25ss – f/13 – 16mm – ISO100
This town has 1400± inhabitants. We do have some industry, and 1 traffic light! On a whim, I took this pic and I like how it turned out. This pic doesn’t show much of the town but it does show a railroad track in need of repair!
I do have a title for this one.
#2 – Where’s the Train?
1/640ss – f/13 – 16mm – ISO400
Interesting about your area decision to demolish however as the school will be in same area, how old was the original?
Hope that was an abandoned rail line as the many dangerous incidents that can occur on tracks will surely be discussed. I like the exposure on this image.
Hi John ~ The rail line is used! Daily and several times a day even. I'm always fascinated that nothing has ever happened and I'm also thankful that it hasn't. I saw a 'railroad crew' out later this afternoon checking out the tracks so maybe they are considering a repair. Let's hope so.
Our school building is 92 years old! Once it comes down, I hope to get a decent pic of the area. It is a bit confusing because not only is there an elementary building that was attached several years ago, to the old building, there is also another part of the school that was build about 12 years ago, that is also behind what you see. I'll sort through my shots of today and see if I can find one that at least shows the current old building as well as the elementary building that is attached. Probably more information than what you asked for.
Yep, found one. Not as good as I was hoping but it will do for explanations. I have a feeling that a panorama shot would be better but I’m not there yet in ability. <chuckle> If you look over the center of the complex roof, you can see the tippy top of the tower of the one that was build approximately 12 years ago. The part to the right of the pic is the elementary. All that stays. It is only the oldest one that will be demolished.
An interesting set of pictures. The old building looks to be in too good condition to be demolished but I assume all is not as it appears to be.
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your comments.
I think the concern is about the possibility of asbestos and how to deal with it if the building was kept and restored. Add to that, the electric is a mess and the heating system is ancient. It's an old boiler system that some have been worried about for a few years. So logically, it probably is best to tear it down but it still seems sad to me to do so.