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Thread: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

  1. #1

    Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome
    (I know the foreground is in shadow, but if it hadn't been, the frost would have gone)

    Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    All taken with Canon 70D and Canon 24mm EF-S 2.8 lens. Shot in raw and converted to DNG so that I could processs them with my old version of Capture One, which doesn't work with 70D raws.
    Last edited by Davejl; 31st December 2016 at 04:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Nice series.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Basically good but just a few casual thoughts.

    #1. Would a slight crop from the top to reduce the amount of branches make the far distance area appear 'further away'? At the moment my view seems a bit distracted by a somewhat 'top heavy' upper area to the overall scene. But that would mean a different size ratio or perhaps lose a balancing amount from the left side. Just a little would suffice.

    #2 is OK.

    With #3, ideally I would have liked to see all of that branch at the top, without it partially going beyond the frame. And maybe pick up that stick which is lying on the ground, or have it at a slightly different angle? But those are very minor points.

    You mention the amount of shadow snow with #4; well, I wonder about a slight crop from the bottom and going more panoramic?

    The last one works fine.

  4. #4
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Dave, I enjoyed the photos. My one comment is that, for my taste, the colour is over saturated, particularly in the first two images. But I know there are different tastes with respect to colour saturation in landscape photos.

  5. #5

    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Dave, I enjoyed the photos. My one comment is that, for my taste, the colour is over saturated, particularly in the first two images. But I know there are different tastes with respect to colour saturation in landscape photos.
    Thanks Bruce. I agree that the colour is probably a bit over-saturated. I generally have tried to tone down my colours as time has gone by. But often I feel that my colours have tended to be too muted for the tastes of many on CiC. One problem I had with processing these shots was choosing an appropriate camera profile in Capture One. I settled on Canon 450D. Some of the other Canon profiles seemed far too subdued (and my version of C1 pre-dates my 70D). I just didn't like the results I was getting with Canon's supplied DPP.

    It must be said, however, that the colours were pretty brilliant on this day.


  6. #6

    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Thanks for your suggestions, Geoff, I think they are all good suggestions. By the way, the white stuff here was the remains of freezing fog which had coated things, not snow. Not had any of that so far....


  7. #7

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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    I think it is the blue sky which seems a bit over saturated so possibly that is what Bruce is mostly meaning. But it does look a lot better with the Lightbox view.

    The Canon DPP is fairly basic but I'm not sure what you mean about Canon profiles.

    Like many here, I shoot Raw then process each image to suit the scene and my tastes.

  8. #8

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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    I especially like the first two photos. My only wish is that in the first one you had positioned your camera low enough to create separation between the branches and rock formation on the far right side.

    Regarding the discussion of the saturation, there is a consistency in the first two images that make me think you made them as you want them. In that situation, it really doesn't matter to me whether I prefer that much saturation.

  9. #9

    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I think it is the blue sky which seems a bit over saturated so possibly that is what Bruce is mostly meaning. But it does look a lot better with the Lightbox view.

    The Canon DPP is fairly basic but I'm not sure what you mean about Canon profiles.

    Like many here, I shoot Raw then process each image to suit the scene and my tastes.
    In Capture One (at least in the somewhat aged version I have) I can choose from a long list of camera makes and models to set the camera profile (haven't got access to it at the moment, so can't remember exactly but I think this is what it calls them). The default is Abobe Satandard. With my Canon 450D, I used the 450D profile. And this is what I have used here for the 70D. I think it gives similar results to what I got with my 450D raw files. Which Canon profile I choose can make quite a big difference to the colour saturation.

    Last edited by Davejl; 31st December 2016 at 10:36 PM.

  10. #10

    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I especially like the first two photos. My only wish is that in the first one you had positioned your camera low enough to create separation between the branches and rock formation on the far right side.

    Regarding the discussion of the saturation, there is a consistency in the first two images that make me think you made them as you want them. In that situation, it really doesn't matter to me whether I prefer that much saturation.
    Thank you Mike. I agree re the branches. Fortunately Bradgate is only a few miles away, but a repeat of this weather is more problematic. Failing this, it would make a good exercise for my (poor) cloning skills.


  11. #11
    bje07's Avatar
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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    I prefer # 1, 2 and 3 on 1 and 3 if it was my files I'd open up a bit the shadows.

  12. #12

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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    I like #1,#2 and #3 . #2 is my fav among them. #3 might also look good in B&W

  13. #13

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    Re: Some more Bradgate views, C and C welcome

    I like the colouring, #2 for me.

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