Good friends gave my wife and me this bottle of Champagne when they came over for lunch yesterday. I haven't made a New Year's photo since 2009, so I told them I would make one this year using their Champagne. I finished making the photo just a few minutes before the start of the New Year. We'll serve the bubbly to other friends who will join us for lunch on January 2.
The background is translucent art paper hanging in front of a sheet of translucent vellum. The tabletop is a sheet of vinyl flooring. A medium continuous-light lamp high above the scene on the left is fitted with a red gel. A small continuous-light lamp high above the scene on the right is fitted with a salmon gel. A medium continuous-light lamp is shining through the background from behind. A white reflector on the left side defined the shape of the glasses by adding a reflection to both sides of each glass. It also added a narrow reflection to the left side of the wine bottle's green glass.