Binnur, your picture is nice, Dank's one is better for me. it looks like crocodiles waiting for their preys :rolleyes:
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Binnur, your picture is nice, Dank's one is better for me. it looks like crocodiles waiting for their preys :rolleyes:
Thanks for taking the time to edit my image Dan. I actually didn't want to lose the light there completely and that's why I didn't try the content aware or clone stamp tool and left the image as it was. But those two tools make great jobs as it is possible to see in your edit.
Your info about the filters without color casts also has been very useful. I might buy a 6 stop ND filter in the future and I will certainly inquire about Marumi. Thanks again :)
Interesting and well done image.
Binnur, it is a very beautiful image!! Very well done!
Although I am no expert photographer, this is a gorgeous image. The rocks in the foreground almost look like a hand. Very nice.
First-rate work, Binnur; the color shades of the water are fantastic. I look forward to viewing your future submissions.
WOW, that is a great work indeed; it has something unearthly about it....looks like some alien first dropped into the ocean later coming out to invade our world :(
Congratulations Binnur on your new filter. I shall look forward to seeing more of your work with it. If this image is just a test! you have passed with flying colours, a wonderful image well captured.
Thank you very much for your kind words Otavio, Sharon, Randy, John , Nandakumar and Peter :)
John, thanks for the tip, I will inquire about it through internet.
Nandakumar, your imagination is super as always ;)
Happy to see you posting again Binnur. I love the shot! The bright spot lends some mystery to the image in my opinion.