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Thread: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    This is another in my (very) occasional (2016 P52) series shooting my grand-daughter Chloe.

    The aim this time was to get a shot of Chloe for use as a Christmas card, It was shot against a (new to me) white background system, while also desiring to achieve some nice out of focus Xmas lights. Well, I managed it fairly well, but it was a challenge from which I learnt a lot.

    This is the final shot, after much PP.
    As ever, it wouldn't have worked without her Mum's sterling efforts to raise excitement levels at just the right moment.

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)
    (440-6211) Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,330px × 950px (recommended)

    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 50mm, f/1.4 lens at f/2, 1/200s, iso 200, Manual with Godox X1T-N RF trigger hotshoe mounted.
    2 (manually set) speedlights:
    Key: Godox TT685N firing @ 1/16 power in to a white 30" reflective umbrella (I think)
    Fill: Godox TT685N, firing @ 1/96 (aka 1/64 power, minus 2/3 stop) in to a silver 30" reflective umbrella.

    To be honest, I've left it so long to write this up, I have forgotten the exact details of which modifiers were used on key and fill flashes - the fairly large difference in power seem strange, given both were a similar distance from the subject, now I know silver is more reflective, but ... (the 'camera right' side probably had more daylight on though).

    Things I struggled with were:
    too much ambient light (affecting WB)
    Xmas lights that were old filament lamps some 12-15 years old (rather dim in relation to flash and ambient, even with curtains closed)
    inexperience with new background and my speedlights and modifiers
    getting the eyes sharp (many wasted good expressions due to losing focus at the critical moment)
    axial CA on specular highlights and Xmas lights (the correction of which often caused issues with edges of red and pink in her clothes)

    The low flash power used did mean I could shoot in burst mode though, which was instrumental in getting the capture; here's one just two tenths of a second later, it gives an idea of the issues

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Some other shots from the session:

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    There followed some more experimentation on my part, without Chloe, trying different Xmas lights and backgrounds (with lights in front or behind the sheet), but they all looked worse, so I returned to the same lights and background for an afternoon shoot the same day.

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    However, for these, I substituted a 24" softbox and grid as the key light (camera left) - another new toy. The intent was to darken the background sheet - which worked - except the fill was still an umbrella (camera right) so that side of the sheet was too well lit. The upshot of all this being that I had to spend some PP time brightening the left side of background again to get it to match the right which suited the subject better anyway!

    Another issue was that I had tried to gel the flash heads with CTO and shoot with a Tungsten WB to whiten the Xmas lights. Unfortunately, I now suspect that failed because as I stuffed the flash head back in the softbox, I think I must have partially/mostly dislodged the gel, so the WB ended up needing to be changed in PP to get the flesh tones more correct from the key, which is why the fill now looks yellow on camera right (see below).
    Live, shoot and learn!

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 50mm, f/1.4 lens at f/2, 1/50s, iso 200, Manual with Godox X1T-N RF trigger hotshoe mounted.
    2 (manually set) speedlights:
    Key: Godox TT685N firing @ 1/16 power in to a white 24" soft box with grid
    Fill: Godox TT685N, firing @ 1/56 (aka 1/32 power, minus 2/3 stop) in to a silver 30" reflective umbrella (collapsed to funnel light)

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 50mm, f/1.4 lens at f/2, 1/125s, iso 200, Manual with Godox X1T-N RF trigger hotshoe mounted.
    2 (manually set) speedlights:
    Key: Godox TT685N firing @ 1/13 power (aka 1/8 power, minus 2/3 stop) in to a white 24" soft box with grid
    Fill: Godox TT685N, firing @ 1/32 power in to a silver 30" reflective umbrella (collapsed to funnel light)

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Thanks for looking and commenting, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th January 2017 at 12:01 PM. Reason: EXIF for afternoon session added

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    I like them all but, my favorite is the last (441-6377), Her expression is just fabulous! Testing your lights and setup before the actual session is a great idea...

  3. #3
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    I really enjoy your efforts! That's what I want to be able to do eventually! And Richard is spot on - that last shot is the best of expressions but the rest are also hard to choose from because they are excellent!

    Now I need to keep this thread and go back and "study" your techniques!

  4. #4

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Considering the number of really excellent photos, I imagine that it was quite difficult to choose the one to be used on the Christmas card. I remember that it was not long ago that you began accumulating the equipment required to make these photos and am very impressed that you have so quickly learned how to use everything so well, as well as learned what doesn't work as you had hoped. By the way, great choice of props and background!

    Thanks for mentioning that you were able to release the shutter in burst mode when using such low power on your flash units. I didn't realize the units would recycle so fast even when using such low power.

    You mentioned that you don't remember all the details of your setup. I would have the same problem, which I solve by adding that information to the metadata of the image files. I quite often find it helpful to look up that metadata when making a photo in a similar style months or even years later.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    An excellent series Dave!

    With respect to the ambient light / WB problems, you might want to see about getting a sheet of 1/4 cut CTO gel, cutting it down and fastening that over your flash heads (gaffers tape or elastic band). If you need a bit more warming up, just add a second layer of gel and that will take you up to 1/2 cut CTO, likely more than enough.

    In terms of speeding up the flash recycle time, some flashes let you add an external battery pack (the one I use on my Nikon SB-900 cost me about $CAD 20) and that halves the recycle time. I just got a cable for my Godox Wistro 360 that effectively does the same thing, and a lower power levels I can get a number of pops at the power level when I shot in burst mode (again, it does depend on the power setting of the flash).

    I think you've done well with the props. They complement, rather than overpower the shot.

    What I really would like to know is how you managed to keep your grand daughter sitting in one place? Did you glue her in place, if so, what type of glue do you recommend?

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Richard and Sandy,

    Yes, the last is a great expression - I think of a lion roaring, although she's too young to be imitating that and I don't recall if there was any noise, I was too busy

    Yes, preparation and 'practice' is essential - and I don't do nearly enough (well, I succeeded, so I guess it must have been 'just enough'), but lets say more would be less stressful on the day

    There were test shots to check lens angle of view vs background (bg).
    Then focus tests (need something else to focus on where subject will be) to check bg and lights are blurred enough at wide aperture used.
    Then Chloe was sat in position, initially just wearing the clothes she travelled in.

    When everything was judged right (not forgetting feed times, etc.), she was changed in to the outfit and we began in earnest.

    As the shoot progressed, we gave her different things (for the first time) while I was lying flat out on my side on floor snapping away, it's important to capture the initial expressions of delight with something new and have Mum (or Granny) encouraging reactions (to camera ideally).

    Thanks, Dave

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Considering the number of really excellent photos, I imagine that it was quite difficult to choose the one to be used on the Christmas card. I remember that it was not long ago that you began accumulating the equipment required to make these photos and am very impressed that you have so quickly learned how to use everything so well, as well as learned what doesn't work as you had hoped. By the way, great choice of props and background!
    Props are largely what we had available and a joint effort, bg was bought for these kind of shoots, just a sheet thrown over a pole and clamped, I haven't got in to paper rolls (yet). The stands go wide enough for the 9 foot size roll, but it became apparent, when using them only 3/4 width for this, that a 9 foot roll won't fit in my house, so might have to go for the 5 foot size.

    The Xmas card decision was easy actually; we knew that the first had a great expression and was good enough and the second shoot didn't produce anything better. The rest are good, but let's just say only I know how much 'fix it in PS' was necessary, as you can see, I'm quite good at that (plenty of practice )

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thanks for mentioning that you were able to release the shutter in burst mode when using such low power on your flash units. I didn't realize the units would recycle so fast even when using such low power.
    I think it's more a case that you're only using part of the charge for each flash, so at 1/16, you may get 3 or 4 out, depending upon the gap between exposures. No doubt, if critically analysed, the expose and WB may change between them, I do notice the ratio of light from two strobes with batteries of different charge states and power levels, may change between some shots in a series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    You mentioned that you don't remember all the details of your setup. I would have the same problem, which I solve by adding that information to the metadata of the image files. I quite often find it helpful to look up that metadata when making a photo in a similar style months or even years later.
    I do have the EXIF, but two things it doesn't record are what modifier I put in front of the flash and whether I had all groups actually in use - I more recently had the two guns both on group A, but the EXIF shows the trigger's settings for group B, which no gun was assigned to - perhaps this is one of the minor issues with cheap systems. I'll remember to set any groups not in use to null next time - and I must shoot some BTS (behind the scenes) shots with my P&S.

    Thanks Mike.

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th January 2017 at 06:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    An excellent series Dave!

    With respect to the ambient light / WB problems, you might want to see about getting a sheet of 1/4 cut CTO gel, cutting it down and fastening that over your flash heads (gaffers tape or elastic band). If you need a bit more warming up, just add a second layer of gel and that will take you up to 1/2 cut CTO, likely more than enough.
    I do attach gels by rubber band, but as I discovered, inside the softbox, this can ping out or fall off if not careful.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    In terms of speeding up the flash recycle time, some flashes let you add an external battery pack (the one I use on my Nikon SB-900 cost me about $CAD 20) and that halves the recycle time. I just got a cable for my Godox Wistro 360 that effectively does the same thing, and a lower power levels I can get a number of pops at the power level when I shot in burst mode (again, it does depend on the power setting of the flash).
    Yeah my Godox speedlights can accept external power, but I've not needed it yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I think you've done well with the props. They complement, rather than overpower the shot.

    What I really would like to know is how you managed to keep your grand daughter sitting in one place? Did you glue her in place, if so, what type of glue do you recommend?

    Regarding the glue, this was pure luck, it was just before she really started getting in to crawling and now almost walking and with enough timely distractions from her Mum, she was engaged and not too bored, although I think we had some moments too.

    Cheers, Dave

  9. #9

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I do attach gels by rubber band
    Try using gaffer's tape. That's what I always use and I've never had a gel come loose. Once the tape is removed, it won't leave any residue on your flash unit or the gel.

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    great shots. I also like the last best. I think the lighting is more interesting in the second set.

    Thanks for explaining the equipment and procedure. I find this kind of elaborate lighting daunting, but your explanation is clear.

    Re gaffer's tape: in my experience, it may not leave residue if left on for a short time, but the tape I have does if left on for a long time, and when it does, it is very hard to remove. I use it to hold the diffuser on my flash for bugs and often leave it on for long periods, and I usually have residue on the flash when I take it off.

  11. #11

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    I have never left gaffer's tape on anything a long time, so that would explain why I've never experienced any remaining residue.

  12. #12
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Nice series, 440-6200 is my favorite.

  13. #13

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Dave, great work and explanation, but your model steals the show. Fabulous smile but then smiling eyes are winners.

  14. #14
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    The final chosen image is a beauty.

    I've nothing sensible to add to what has already been and excellent discussion and demonstration - informative and educational.

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    I have absolutely no useful comments on portrature. But simply as a viewer IMO the end result is awesome. Hopefully the parents thought it was worth the effort. Nicely done.

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Awesome series Dave,

    I am going to buck the trend and say that the third image in this thread is my favourite, I love that Chloe's mouth is closed eliminating the dreaded black hole you get with flash and an open mouth.

    The slight tilt of her head and the squint/squinch in her eyes is so cute.

  17. #17
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    Dan(K), John, Maurice, Donald, Dan and Robbie,

    Thanks for all the kind words - yes, her expression is everything - that's why I keep banging on about "couldn't do it without her Mum" - because she understands the "photographer's needs" and the importance of timing - we make a good team.

    There are certainly some good and cute ones in the series.

    Next in the series is a visit to a "Santa's Grotto", shot available light with both the D7100 and Canon S100.

    Then I might round off this 2016 P52 series with Xmas day present opening.

    First shoot of 2017 P52 = "Toddler pics" is due by end of January for her first birthday.

    Thanks all, Dave

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    Re: Baby pics 9 - the Christmas card shoot (image heavy)

    What a beauty Dave ! She looks lovely. I agree with the comments above about the end result being so good although you had some difficulty while shooting. I hope one day I will be experienced enough to shoot such images

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