My task, which I thought would be very simple, was to photograph a serial number on my friend's guitar so he could use the image if needed purely for insurance purposes.
Much to my surprise, the serial number is engraved in black on a black headstock. As soon as I saw this, I seriously had no idea how to make it easily legible in a photo. The serial number is so well disguised in a typical viewing situation that when I initially looked at the proper area of the guitar, I didn't see the serial number. I was even resigned to removing two small panels on the back of the guitar with the hope that the serial number would be behind one of them.
Intuitively, when I try to make something stand out, I light whatever I want to display. In this case that would be the serial number. That was a miserable failure.
Then I wondered what would happen if I lit everything but the serial number. So, I added a reflector to the setup that brightened the flat part of the headstock but did not light the one part of the wood that is almost completely in shadow -- the serial number. Voila!
The experience proves that we can learn something every day, even when we're only photographing a serial number for insurance purposes.