I’m a new member and really like the Project 52 concept, so I’m going to give it a shot. I’ll admit upfront I’m going to be posting on a bit of an irregular schedule. With work, etc. I may go weeks at a time without picking up the camera, so I’ll probably be posting photos from a single shoot over the span of several weeks.
I have a series of photos from a few days ago during a drive down to the New England coast. In the first one I was trying to get some interesting foreground elements with the surf and rocks. I blurred out the rocks to try to isolate the lighthouse and surf a bit more, but in retrospect I’m thinking I should have gone for more depth of field to leave the foreground rocks more in focus.
The next 4 shots are various stages of the sun setting behind the lighthouse. There were just enough clouds to create some great color, but the backlighting was a bit of a challenge. I like the first on where a bit of the sun is showing, but unfortunately the glare is a bit excessive. I tried toning it down in post, but my Lightroom skills are still somewhat rudimentary at this point. I’d appreciate any comments and recommendations.