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Thread: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

  1. #1

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    Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    When my 55-62mm step-up ring arrived in the mail, I very proudly let my wife know how much money I had saved over the alternative of buying a 55mm polarizer. When she asked me what the difference is between a 55-62mm step-up ring and a 62-55mm step-down ring, my pride and no doubt the smile on my face immediately vanished. That's because I had no idea (and still do not).

    What's the difference?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    One will let you use your 62mm filters on a lens with a 55mm filter thread and the other will let you use your 55mm filters on your 62mm thread lens. And yes, there could be vignetting.

  3. #3
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Do step down rings even exist? I don't think that a polarizer of a certain diameter would work on a larger diameter lens with an adapter.

  4. #4
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    It starts from the lens, or, rather, the filter thread on the front of the lens. If you wish to use an attachment that is a LARGER diameter than your lens filter thread, you need a step up ring. And, conversely, if you wish to use an attachment that is SMALLER than your lens filter thread, you would need a step down ring. Clear now? I thought so!

  5. #5

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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Thank you, everyone!

    What are examples of when someone would want to attach a filter using a step-down ring (when the filter is smaller than the lens)? The practical application seems so ridden with problems that I can't think of any reason to use that configuration.

    Quote Originally Posted by LePetomane View Post
    Do step down rings even exist?
    They're offered for sale online.

  6. #6
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    You should be fine - so long as you take a step in the right direction...

  7. #7

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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Telling my wife I don't know the answer to her very simple question about photography is most definitely not a step in the right direction. Up until now I had been able to fool her into thinking that I knew what I was talking about. Now she knows better.

  8. #8
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thank you, everyone!

    What are examples of when someone would want to attach a filter using a step-down ring (when the filter is smaller than the lens)? The practical application seems so ridden with problems that I can't think of any reason to use that configuration.
    I have some Minolta 55mm close-up lenses from the dark ages. They were expensive at the time, and very good quality, so I was loathe to part with them when I replaced my Minolta for Nikon. In fact, I was able to use these close-up lenses (55mm) on my Nikon lens (52mm) with the aid of a 52-55 step-up ring. Now, I am using Fuji X-T1 with 18-55mm lens, and that filter diameter is 58mm. I am still loathe to part with my Minolta close-up lenses, and I am able to use them with a 58-55 step down ring. Vignetting, I hear you say! Well, I have to say that there is absolutely none that I can see, and I have looked pretty hard as I expected to see some. So much for theory!

  9. #9
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Telling my wife I don't know the answer to her very simple question about photography is most definitely not a step in the right direction. Up until now I had been able to fool her into thinking that I knew what I was talking about. Now she knows better.

    I am in a helpful mood this morning (here anyway). Just tell her it is too complicated for her to understand and run.

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thank you, everyone!

    What are examples of when someone would want to attach a filter using a step-down ring (when the filter is smaller than the lens)? The practical application seems so ridden with problems that I can't think of any reason to use that configuration.

    They're offered for sale online.
    Mike - I have one kicking around somewhere - it was to fit a 62mm filter to a 67mm lens and the 67mm being a 100-300mm mFT lens, I did not notice any vignetting. Usually this is more of an issue at wider angles. I ended up buying a 67mm cPol later on and no longer use it.

    The only problem I've ever found with step up and step down rings is trying to get the filter off as it is hard to grasp two thin attachments. Filter wrenches worked for me.

  11. #11

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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    I need a step down ring to attach a Canon twin flash to Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens, only it is a special attachment.

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thank you, everyone!

    What are examples of when someone would want to attach a filter using a step-down ring (when the filter is smaller than the lens)? The practical application seems so ridden with problems that I can't think of any reason to use that configuration.
    There are times when the smaller sized filter may not vignette. This is particularly true when you are shooting with a crop format camera and a lens that is designed for a full frame camera.

    My biggest problem with using step rings to fit filters to several lenses is that when you want to change lenses, you also need to change the filter.

    OTOH: It certainly is a cost saving solution...

  13. #13
    kazuyar's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    i bought a set of these ages ago.
    now i can pretty much go up and down as i please
    Step-up vs. Step-down rings

  14. #14

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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    KaZ has now demonstrated the best reason I've seen so far for having both the step-up and the step-down rings: he can make a nice photo of them!
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 6th January 2017 at 10:31 PM.

  15. #15

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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by kazuyar View Post
    i bought a set of these ages ago.
    now i can pretty much go up and down as i please
    Step-up vs. Step-down rings
    Shouldn't the bottom set say FALL?

  16. #16
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Pippan View Post
    Shouldn't the bottom set say FALL?
    The top ones are UK and the bottom ones Australian so rise is correct in either case.

    On the bottom ones however, the threads spiral backwards.

  17. #17
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Saorsa View Post
    The top ones are UK and the bottom ones Australian so rise is correct in either case.

    On the bottom ones however, the threads spiral backwards.
    Glad you cleared that up. I was worried because when it is fall in the UK it is spring in Australia so I was getting even more confused.

  18. #18
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: Step-up vs. Step-down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Glad you cleared that up. I was worried because when it is fall in the UK it is spring in Australia so I was getting even more confused.
    Now, and you should know, it is never fall in the UK, but rather, autumn. And autumn comes round once a year, every year, followed by winter, spring and summer. Never fall!

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