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Thread: Color depth and vibrancy in "flower bench" photo

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Color depth and vibrancy in "flower bench" photo

    As an example photo, I don't know what the name of it is, but it's the one in this website's gallery with the bench in the foreground and bridge in the background. The colors in this image are very deep, contrasty and vibrant without being oversaturated. Is there a special, streamlined technique of achieving results like this, or does it require manually dodging/burning/saturating them by hand? Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Re: Enhancing Color depth and vibrancy

    Thanks for the interest in this photo. What I will say is that there was no manual dodging, burning or increasing the saturation needed. This photo looks the way it does because it was taken at an unusual time with an extended exposure, which was actually several minutes long in order to ensure an adequate depth of field. The aperture was f/16 using a 1.6X crop factor camera.

    Color depth and vibrancy in "flower bench" photo

    The photo also made use of a graduated neutral density filter in order to balance the relative brightness of the sky relative to the foreground. Beyond this, the usual workflow for all other images applies. This includes using the RAW file format so that one can make the most of being able to carefully adjust the exposure (if necessary), white balance and levels. Even though these steps sound typical, I think you'd be surprised how much of an impact they can have at bringing out clarity and vibrancy in a photo shot at an unusual time.
    Last edited by McQ; 15th October 2009 at 11:30 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: Enhancing Color depth and vibrancy

    Color depth and vibrancy in "flower bench" photo

    I look at this as just a device that can display pictures when needed but not as a transport of color corrected high resolution images. I am what you would call a very serious amateur photographer. Been shooting since I was very young in a Canon A1 and now with a 1DS MK2 and 1V for film. So I understand where you are coming from in regards to color, etc. But realize this is a phone first and everything else second. If you are serious about pictures then you will never shoot a picture that is worth post processing with a phone. Carry a point and shoot if you need to have a sall camera but a phone camera? I installed Froyo with EVO 8.0 rev a on this phone and loving it. Lost camera and not even worried. If the camera or the inability to edit photos is a dealbreaker good luck finding that phone. IPhone 4 wont even suffice. This screen works well. I am not expecting too much but it does a hell of a job. Pictures are good enough and colors are saturated enough to get a good feel of the display and picture. I have the HTC. Incredible as well and its not night and day. But that the Incredible into the sunlight and done. Besides flash is too bright and lens is not of great optical quality.

    To each their own. I bought this phone for a phone and mobile device. Not a point and shoot camera or a mobile photo editing station.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
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    Re: Enhancing Color depth and vibrancy

    Stunning! Ever since I learned about long exposure I have wanted to try it on still object to see if the definition is increase because of the longeur time of exposure ie more details recorded? Is it how it works?

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