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Thread: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

  1. #21

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

    The translucent vellum I use is called Translum. I learned about it a few years ago from Terry and I'm still using the same roll I bought then. I even gave nearly half of it to one of our CiC participants and still haven't needed to order a new roll.

    For a detailed description of it, see this. For the options and related specs, see this. Mine is the 54" x 18' roll.

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    I normally use a heavy gauge of art paper but it needs two sheets and the texture makes it difficult to lose the join given I use side lighting. Presumably, velum is somewhat thinner and smoother ??.
    The specs accessed by the second link provided above indicate the various thicknesses. It's relatively smooth to the eye but I have no idea how it compares to your art paper.

    When I want a background that displays no texture when photographed up close and when lit from behind, I use translucent plexiglass rather than vellum. That's because the vellum disperses the light in such a way that displays a little texture that is not displayed when using the acrylic.

    Notice that my version of the Translum reduces the light by 2 stops. Sometimes I use a small piece of it in front of a continuous-light lamp to reduce the brightness of the light falling on the scene.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 9th January 2017 at 08:48 PM.

  2. #22
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    Re: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

    I haven't read any of the comments, but that is a beautiful image - doesn't even matter what it is, the beauty is in the form.

  3. #23
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

    Absolutely gorgeous, Mike. And thanks for the tip about Translum. It sounds like exactly what I have been looking for. Doesn't seem to be available locally, but I can order from Toronto. Which thickness do you recommend? I would want it to line the back and floor of my lightbox, diffuse light through glass, and experiment with full-length silhouettes.

  4. #24

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    Re: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

    Thank you to Matt and Janis!

    Janis: I bought the heaviest thickness but probably only because it comes on the roll that has the smallest width. Even so, I had to cut about six inches off the width to easily use it in my tiny makeshift studio. My point is that though I know that thickness works perfectly for my needs, I have never used the other thicknesses. If the cost isn't prohibitive, you might consider ordering the package of sheets that includes two of each thickness. You could perhaps then determine which roll would be ideal for you.

  5. #25
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    Re: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

    Mike, the package of sheets wasn't on offer, so after much humming and hawing, I settled on the medium weight. It came a week or so ago; I cut out a piece to line the floor and back wall of my light tent and no more hard edge in my background! Thanks so much for the tip!

  6. #26

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    Re: Oyster mushroom nailed in place

    So glad to learn, Janis, that it's already working out so well for you!

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