WOW! A feast for the eyes!!!
39 mins, 44 secs according to the Exif data. Quite amazing!
Outstanding work. It may even alter my opinions on fluffy water and reflected lights and that is saying something. 40 minutes. Wow, I could have been instrumental in the conception of another WireCub, washed the car and read the Times in 40 minutes. What did you have in front of the lens; a metre of boronated water filled lead glass biological shielding. You must be chuffed to bits with this result.
Stupendous and Stunning.
I'd find room for that on my wall any day, so long as it was LARGE. A beautiful image.
Very nice Colin,
Now tell me; is the convergence of the reflected lights done to match the similar effect with the clouds?
Good wind direction getting them coming from (or was it going to) 'a third' which complements the landscape perfectly.
Thanks Folks
@ Donald: It's interesting that the camera disagreed with the timer by 15 seconds - it's not the first time this has happened. Not that it really makes any difference, but I'll have to do a little experiment to see which is wrong.
@ Steve: Surprisingly, no filtering - all illumination was by moonlight. I was going to add a GND to kill a small amount of pollution at the bottom of the frame, but I needed to keep the lens hood on as there were too many cars driving back and forth and their headlights would have ruined the exposure, and in the end the "problem area" was just cropped off. To be honest, I wasn't sure how it would turn out; I'd done a whole batch a few seconds long to capture some backlit clouds -- tried a few exposures in the 1 or 2 minute range -- and this was the final "aw, what the heck" shot.
@ Dave: Pretty much "in camera". The direction is facing east, and the wind was blowing toward south east, so with a WA lens, that gave the cloud pattern. The lighting reflections have that angle because I used a WA lens and had the sensor plane tilting up.
You've captured the lights, reflections and sky amazingly well. Patiently, too
Beautiful image Colin!
Great shot, Colin. How much light was there in the sky, and was there any wind? I'm really surprised there doesn't seem to be any movement in the shoreline static detail. You could have been in front of the camera for five of the forty mins doing a jig and it probably still wouldn't have shown.![]()
Thanks Rob,
The lighting came from moonlight (for the cloud portion), and yes quite a strong wind aloft, although just a bone-chilling gentle breeze down at camera level (extra thick trousers + down jacket, complete with down hood!). Only a short lens, so when on a Gitzo 1548 with clamped down head, it takes a hurricane to move that rig![]()
Pretty. Curious, there seems to be shimmering in the water on the left, but nothing in the sky to make that shimmer. Is that moon?
Wow Colin!
I think Nelson & Rangiora are the only places here with nice weather....your photo to quote Rob is 'uber lush'
Inspirational, Colin. I can't wait to give it a try. No doubt helped by the Jesse Watson story (I know she is now an Aussie but think NZ can claim her as a part Kiwi)