It’s a great shot John.
A lot is made on the Forum regarding BG, PoV, angles, etc. and how it could have been better if just this and only if that? And rightly so in some cases and surely for those who are just getting into the sport. But only in some cases. This coming from a hugely technical shooter! (I have no “artistical” ability! I can’t even comprehend what “artistic” means in the context of some of the most prolific {meaning long winded} posters on this site post.
As a “technical shooter”, the comments that address technical deficiencies, have merit, and are immediately dismissed as “well, I made an artistic decision” when those issues could have been addressed is a cop out. But that is just my opinion John.
Your shot nails everything that is cool about a shot like this and under the restrictions you shot from. And that makes it even better if shooting from a restricted PoV. And this is an important note. So as the shooter John, you stuck it as you so often do.
Okay, maybe you might level it? But if this frame is what you have that will put the young lady’s raised hand in question. It absolutely has to be in the frame. If no? Let it bring tension unstraightened! Call it a “Dutch Tilt”!
If you were shooting in a controlled situation, I would say the BG should be changed. If you were shooting in a controlled situation John, knowing you, it would have been already done for the original shot. So I wouldn’t worry too much about that. It would be a cool exercise to do and you have the expertise to pull it off. But if you presented the shot to the pair of skaters would it be cool if they recognized themselves in the actual environment they skated in? Or even better? Present them with this and your retouched version?
You nailed an awesome shot off the cuff from wherever you were.
I can’t think of any better way to spend five minutes sir!