Dave, that is a great image...colors/exposure/DOF/etc...is it stacked?
To nitpick, the left side tilt should be corrected.
Beautiful image, can almost feel and smell the atmosphere, not forgetting the cold.
Thanks William, point taken re the tilt, in fact I'd tried a bit of correction, but clearly not enough.
The image was shot on a tripod, Fuji X100, f11 with wide converter, ISO 200. I took three exposure-bracketed RAW shots which were processed with Silkypix then in Photomatix (my cheap version only handles three shots. The X100 only takes 3 bracketed shots, but I sometimes use the exposure compensation button to extend the range). I normally opt for the "natural" preset as the starting point in Photomatix. Today I just lifted the shadows in the chancel roof a bit further with Viveza, and a few other minor tweaks. The problem I usually have photographing in churches is avoiding over-exposure of the windows
Wonderful texture and warm colors!
This is the kind of scene that, for me, begs for a series of photos because it might be difficult to tell the story using just one photo. As an example, in this photo I want to see more of the alter. Yet I also want to see only the pews on the left side so my eye doesn't wander.
Nicely captured.
This is very nicely composed. I especially like the way the leading line moves back toward the alter. I had been in several small churches during my visits to England and found them quite difficult to photograph in terms of both light and composition.
Well done!