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Trev's points 1 and 2 are particularly relevant in the UK. If you are in a public place you can take a photo of pretty much anything you want, including private property you can see from the public place. Anyone in a public place cannot have a expectation of privacy and such photos can be published for profit without getting a release form signed.
However, nothing is ever that simple and there are a number of caveats.
For example, there are some government establishments where photography is prohibited - a photographer standing on a public road taking a shot of a nuclear submarime base might well attract attention.
What is a public place is not as simple as it first appears.
Almost every bit of the UK is owned by someone or some organisation and therefore it could be said virtually nowhere is a public place. However, a 'public place' is generally a place to which the public normally have access, but even that isn't the whole story.
For example, it would be possible to take a photo of a stranger in many streets in London and then sell it without a problem. However, step into Hyde Park for example, take a similar photo and sell it and things are different because photography (and filming and even audio recording) for commercial purposes in the Royal Parks is not allowed without prior permission(and generally with the payment of a fee)
There is also the issue that what appear to be public places, eg a number of roads around recent major office block developments, are in fact owned by the owners of the buildings and therefore private property.
If photography is allowed it doesn't mean you can do anything you want. Following someone along the street and repeatedly photographing could be harrassment and would put the photographer in breach of a law, similarly blocking a pavement with a tripod, for example, could also attract the attention of the authorities.
Even though photography in public places appears in the news from time to time there are still those who believe it is illegal to take a photo of a person in a public place.