I have been hounding a friend for ages to get access to his bag of lenses - so - having finally got him to relinquish his Zeiss glass I thought it only right to invited him along for a photo wander. We headed for the marina, river and coast near to the mouth of the River Wear at Sunderland where we met another friend (were all ex-Jessops so it was nice to catch-up) and enjoyed a couple of hours of sunshine, shooting, chatting and coffee stops.
I took the three Zeiss lenses below and nothing more, all manually focused, all just playing as we walked along and all just for the fun of it...
I have always had a soft spot for a T*...
The 200mm f4 is a joy to use - manual focus was helped by the Fuji's focus peaking, its good and sharp wide open and its out of focus rendering is gorgeous...
One from the 25mm f2.8 - the full sized fill leaps off the screen with superb colour and biting sharpness...
I have lusted after a Zeiss 50mm f1.4 since I first saw one 30 odd years ago and it is everything I hoped it would be...
When you stop for coffee you have to shoot your gear...
Not posted as superb examples of my photography more a glimpse of our morning out and an idea of what the old lenses can do.