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I see they're fond of splatterdash in NZ
I didn't realise that we Aussies weren't the only ones to tease the Kiwis about their accent.:D They also like fush and chups. And they buy stamps at the dairy.
Oh no - I'm gonna get it now.:eek: I'd better duck for cover. But seriously, we do love our Kiwi neighbours.
Having picked on our Kiwi friends, I'd better contribute a photo to this thread.
Huh? We don't have an accent :eek: The one that always cracks me up is Aussies with "ch-anne-ce" instead of chance!
Can't say I've heard that one.Quote:
They also like fush and chups.
Nah. Sorry mate - didn't realize you were an Aussie ... I ' l l - s p e a k - s l o w l y - t h e n :eek: :)Quote:
Oh no - I'm gonna get it now.:eek: I'd better duck for cover. But seriously, we do love our Kiwi neighbours.
I just naturally go to the room now, it is easier than listening to the encoded talking between the wife and her friends.
No need for a couch. People will think it is alright to come in and sit down. I have a "easy chair" and T.V.
http://i55.tinypic.com/28vx5j5.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/2s81wfn.jpg
No need to speak slowly to me Colin, I'm not a Queenslander:eek: I'd better watch out - they'll come after me too! Especially if they find out which city I live in. And they will once I start posting the PAD.
And saying 'charnce' instead of 'chance' is too posh for us on this side of the Tasman. Hey - do you wear jandals?
I got sick of squeezing into a cupboard in the back room so I just moved into the nice comfortable lounge room. Provide you can put up with the occasional comment such as "Gee your lounge room looks a bit like an office" (which is water off a duck's back for me) it works a treat.
I note a thread running through these picture - photography, computers and alcohol - to which I add - music and camels.
This is my corner. It sits in a downstairs room and the only real estate that has not been snapped up by the offspring and their detritus.
Now I started by trying to do the b/w classy look like Donald but realised on closed examination my study of form and curves may be misconstrued.
So I got to thinking about the other work areas on display and came to the conclusion that I was missing something. Most of the images contain a display of cultured reading material artfully arranged with casual abandon. I can do that and it will make me appear well read and posh! So I thought about a Wine book...no don't drink, Food...no, Jamie Oliver makes my flesh crawl, Photography books...can't make head nor tail of 'em, Thesaurus ...no pictures. So I settled on one of my 'art' periodicals. There, you could almost mistake me for a Guardian reader.
Wow Grant... I'm really in love with the wonderful view you have there :)
There are for sure some interesting workspaces in this competition !!!
I hope I'll find the time to get my shots done by tomorrow... anyway, some more days left for it so it will be ok I think :rolleyes: