All I can say if Wirevixen must give you hell (and quite rightly) for going mad with the white magic marker on the walls.
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My problem's been solved too. I could see the photos - you couldn't. I'm a dummy.
Ok so here it goes. This is my bathroom studio. To the upper left you will notice the fully adjustable spaghetti lamp complete with colored filters and light stand. You mayalso be noticing the two spaghetti soft boxes, one of which has the (optional) wastepaper basket light racking system. The Mr.Potatohead belittles me as i take the shots for that day. As i enter a despair, the gin helps me get through.
Now for my wall unit desk. as you can see it is a very sturdy work surface. and perfect for all of your processing needs.
so you may be asking yourself what kind of results come out of this bathroom studio?
Here it is.
Nothing to get too excited about but hey I had a fun time in the bathroom.
Are you by any chance still alive. You either clearly don't have a clue about H&S regulations, or Bond Movies (Goldfinger in particular) I refer of course to the lamp and the bath.
I detect a definite tendency toward booze on this forum. A quarter way through the Gin and he is already eyeing the Oust and Febreze. While we are on the subject of bathrooms why do women never ever use those nice pink razors they buy. They stick them on the wall with mathematical precision and then insist on giving themselves a brazilian with my Wilkinson's Sword. It's no wonder I cut myself after they have hacked their way through that lot.
I do like gin quite alot actually. I happen to know a fantastic drink that I invented. So its so you get some basil leaves and muddle them with gin. about 3 or 4 leaves per drink, about 2 oz of gin or as much as you like:rolleyes: then juice a large orange with a hand juicer. Pour the juice and pulp into the glass with gin, basil and ice. then top it off with some sparkling water.
and yes i'm still alive. but unfourtinately my girlfriend came home and demanded i remove my creative lighting studio. I tried to talk her into taking a bath but well.... aparently she is smarter than that ;)
Wirefox..I'm with you!!! We have the same wallpaper in our (ahem) second sitting room :cool:
Anyway, here's my office. It's very mobile, well actually, it's wherever there's a free table, lol.
OH yeah, a Fruits of the Forest strudel, and a home-brewed vanilla latte! Life doesn't get much better than that! :D
Queenslander here, Raylee. Well, we are not all Crocodile Dundees, I am pleased to report. So feel free to speak at a moderately brisk pace. About one word every 2 seconds should be OK :) But go easy on those tricky two syllables words.
Now, donning my Sherlock Holmes deerstalker, I have deduced that you live in Canberra. The air of tidy orderliness in your home studio is something not to be found in the real world. Am I right? If so, I will arrange for some of my mates, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Bob and Clancy (of the overflow) to drop in sometime soon for afternoon tea and damper. They will bring you up to date on all things dear to Queenslanders such as snakes, crocodiles, cattle ticks and the Broncos (whatever they are). I am sure you will find the conversation scintillating (This is a word I learnt during a holiday down south and have been apprehensive about using until now - oops used another big one, better stop before I get outed as a closet southerner).
This is where I've been located because of my cold. I had just picked up the huge pile of tissues and thought for a millimeter of a second of dumping the trash can back out on the floor but, alas, the garbage had already been taken out. If you are observant, you will note the foreshadowing of my photo style for the PAD. :) (whistle, whistle, whistle...)
I'm surrounded by girly stuff but, somehow, have missed the lego destroyer that is just on the other side of the tea cup.
The next one is what I'm looking out at - I was just playing around with the settings on the camera but this is taken from the chair. Lucky me!:D
The sad truth, however, is that this is what's happening to my home because of my photography mania... I never put anything back! =9 On the right is my usual "desk".
Katy, your Flickr pictures aren't showing :(