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Thread: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

  1. #41

    Re: The carefully balanced Study

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    Wrong ... I 'wear' them for playing cricket 'nough said!
    Cricket in Norway? It's just gets better. Priceless.

  2. #42

    Re: Central Command

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete W View Post
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Table rarely this clear, usually a slew of paper and post party flotsam and jetsom.. and no I didn't clear it to take the shot this is just serendipity. May never be this clear again..

    Good of you to post in a comp so early in your CiC career. I like the shot, the colours are fab. That blue matches my car, and the chair fabric would make great soft cushions for the back seat of the car. Although you are clearly a man of taste, where the heck do you eat?

  3. #43

    Where are you all?

    Not getting enough entries here. How difficult is this? Which part of 'post a shot of your work area' is giving you trouble? If you need advice about how to switch on your camera send me a PM.

  4. #44
    Pete W's Avatar
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    Re: The manhole

    So from the oubliette to the attic....?
    2nd floor on my humble abode is the loft..a fine assortment of spiders, old suitcases.

  5. #45
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: The manhole

    The rifles are for target shooting only.A great stress buster for me.

    Rob,at least you can remember where you were in '69.

  6. #46
    Pete W's Avatar
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    Re: Central Command

    Thank you for the words of encouragement..nice colour for a car..Regatta Blue..
    Elephant chair fabric used to be the time I guess they could do a Hannibal over the Brecons and grace your car's back seat...if there's any room left....seems a bit crowded.

  7. #47

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    I was waiting for some pefect light

    I knew this angle would cause flash problems so I was hoping to be able to use natural light. But along came the rain so I have done what I could with flash.

    No matter what I tried, there are too many reflective surfaces and the lampshades prevented bounce flash. Anyhow, I have done the best I can by way of editing.

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Situated in a corner of the 'sitting room' (is there an international word for this?).

    My main photo computer is not connected to the internet; to prevent some spotty nerd from destroying my photos with a virus.

    The internet equipment came from a builder's trash skip and I paid a friend, who knows about computer hardware, a little over £100 to upgrade it.

    I kept saying that after my elderly cat eventually died, I would purchase another settee; but he appears to be immortal and may well outlast me! So I finally decided that I would have to order a replacement and just accept the muddy pawprints, garden trash, partly eaten mice, etc.

    A new replacement settee (another international word is needed) is currently being manufactured in Darkest Wales and should be delivered within a couple of weeks.

    ps. On reflection, I wonder if having an image displayed on the monitor would have prevented the worst of the flash problem.

  8. #48
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: The manhole

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete W View Post
    So from the oubliette to the attic....?
    2nd floor on my humble abode is the loft..a fine assortment of spiders, old suitcases.
    I'm in a split level home.There's a basement(below ground level) then the floor I'm on rec room,my room and garage(at ground level)then there is what I call the 1st floor(kitchen,dinning and living room)then the 2nd floor bedrooms, bath and office.No attic,but storage above the bedroom floor.

  9. #49

    Re: The manhole

    The anti-hole where most of my gear is stored.
    Looks like something the Criminal Minds would uncover when the raid the unsubs home. Glad you are moving upstairs last thing you need is a visit from Doctor Reid. Nice to see you are geared up to give them Yankees a bashing should they stray south of the Potomac again. Is that Winchester loaded?

    Table rarely this clear, usually a slew of paper and post party flotsam and jetsom.. and no I didn't clear it to take the shot this is just serendipity. May never be this clear again..
    Very Bucks UK Peter. You don't need to hide that fondou set on my behalf you know. I am taking meds for the working class chip these days. I can even get pretty close to an Audi. The therapists are trying hard to get me to open the door of one, that will take some time though. I break out in Fred Dibnah all over and have to have my flat cap surgically degreased.

    Seriously, nice pad though


  10. #50
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    Re: The manhole

    Nice to see you are geared up to give them Yankees a bashing should they stray south of the Potomac again. Is that Winchester loaded?
    Although my state was part of Virginia at one time,we are considered Yankees here.
    I'm 40 miles north of the Mason Dixon line.
    The rifle's not loaded,but the ammo's not far from it.

  11. #51
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    This is my place for the moment,rented accommodation.Moving in a few weeks to an old house I bought and am in the process of making it livable,there is a room upstairs maped out for a work station. When I gain experience: I might be able to call it a studio if I ever reach a level when I can call it that.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...


  12. #52
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: The manhole

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim B. View Post
    The rifle's not loaded,but the ammo's not far from it.
    Well that's the last time I'll consider a critique on one of your pics!!

  13. #53

    Re: I was waiting for some pefect light

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Situated in a corner of the 'sitting room' (is there an international word for this?).

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post prevent some spotty nerd from destroying my photos with a virus.
    As a Mod I have access to you IP address

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    A new replacement settee (another international word is needed) is currently being manufactured in Darkest Wales and should be delivered within a couple of weeks.
    Couch-potato parking spot?

  14. #54

    Re: Rented

    Quote Originally Posted by Ollokot View Post
    This is my place for the moment,rented accommodation.Moving in a few weeks to an old house I bought and am in the process of making it livable,there is a room upstairs maped out for a work station. When I gain experience: I might be able to call it a studio if I ever reach a level when I can call it that.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    You know, what amazes me about some of you good people is where the heck do you put your legs.
    Last edited by carregwen; 28th September 2010 at 10:16 PM.

  15. #55
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Not getting enough entries here. How difficult is this? Which part of 'post a shot of your work area' is giving you trouble? If you need advice about how to switch on your camera send me a PM.
    Ah, stop yer wittering.

    Here's my area. I couldn't get far enough away to get it in one, despite using the 10-20, so you'll have to have two. You can see my somewhat modest collection of little bits of paper with random stuff on them - you caught me on a good day, when I had just cleared up. Usually, if I have the window open and a breeze wanders by, it's instant snowstorm.
    I envy most of you in that you can at least stretch your arms out and not bash your collective knuckles on walls both sides. But I don't envy your never changing views. Generally, I can raise my eyes and look out at something different just about every week, ranging from a surf beach to the back of a factory. How's that for eye candy variation?
    And don't ask why the laundry powder scoop is on my computer station - that's just the kind of thing that happens when you live in a bus. View rich, space poor.

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

  16. #56

    Re: Where are you all?

    Very good Kit, and I shall refrain (with some considerable effort) from being critical. But tell me... why are there bolts on the drawers? Is it so they don't fly open when you take a mountain bend at 120mph?
    Last edited by carregwen; 28th September 2010 at 11:47 PM.

  17. #57
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    So here is the "DOG HOUSE". This is where I go when I have been a bad boy. So I seem to spend a lot of time here for some reason. Next purchase will be small refrigerator with a keg in it. Then the room will be complete.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    (Note to Colin, Proof of Gray card. Now to get the model to be cooperative.)

  18. #58
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Very good Kit, and I shall refrain (with some considerable effort) from being critical.
    Why hold back - you know you want to....

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    But tell me... why are there bolts on the drawers? Is it so they don't fly open when you take a mountain bend at 120mph?
    Exactly. And the fridge door has one too, as do cupboards and bookshelves. Early on, before we knew about such things and when the Engineer was reluctant to hold traffic up, we went hurtling around a round-about at top speed and the whole damn fridge lept out of its place and disgorged all its contents onto the floor, where they proceeded to roll/bounce about the bus with abandon. It is almost household size, so the mess was considerable. The first thing we did when we had reinstalled it and cleaned up was to bolt it to the floor and make a door lock from a cunningly lathed bit of teflon.

  19. #59

    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Smith View Post
    So here is the "DOG HOUSE". This is where I go when I have been a bad boy. So I seem to spend a lot of time here for some reason. Next purchase will be small refrigerator with a keg in it. Then the room will be complete.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...
    Nice one, Sam. Are you deliberately a bad boy just so you can go to the photo-prep area? I think you need a full-length couch too, so you can take a little nap when you get tired from Photoshopping.

  20. #60

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    Have a guess :)

    Black Mold!

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    ... one of these days I'll get around to cleaning it all up!

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