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Thread: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

  1. #121

    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    OK, I went back and looked at Donald's picture, and your response, but I think you're going to have to spell it out for me

    I think I forgot to make the word 'could' bold+itallic. I was suggesting that you could learn something from Donald, but you probably don't want to. I mean, would a man of your status really be able to work in this perfection of black minimalist order.... You are a strong contender for winning here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

  2. #122
    RichB's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    I don't have a place I work as such I just sit in my living room with my laptop on my lap, here it is anyway (just after putting the frames up hence them being empty, most still are if I'm honest).

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

  3. #123
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    You are a strong contender for winning here.
    Ooooh I doubt it, I think the bathroom studio + toilet processing table takes the biscuit

    I rarely conciously following someone else's style - too busy 'doing my own thing', my own way, but that's not to say I am not influenced by images and take a pop at replicating them if an opportunity presents itself. But then maybe I'm 'too close' to see it happening

  4. #124
    Camellia's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by RichB View Post
    I don't have a place I work as such I just sit in my living room with my laptop on my lap, here it is anyway (just after putting the frames up hence them being empty, most still are if I'm honest).

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...
    Hi Richard

    What sort of guitar do you have on the wall? It looks like a Gibson Les Paul. Is there something special about it?

  5. #125
    RichB's Avatar
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    Re: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Yep it is indeed a Gibson Les Paul, it's nothing special per se I got it when I was a student and playing a lot but I don't play it so much anymore and thought it looked good on the wall. Specifically it's a Studio Plus, dark red stained mahogany with gold hardware.

  6. #126
    ldunnvt's Avatar
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    New work space

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...
    My new work space, we just had our downstairs "finished" into a family room and an office for my wife and myself.

    Not even time yet to hang photos on the walls.

  7. #127
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Entries close on Sunday October 3rd at noon.
    I never got my invitation to the awards ceremony (and I'd got my kilt dry-cleaned). Are you just sending my trophy?

  8. #128

    Re: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I never got my invitation to the awards ceremony (and I'd got my kilt dry-cleaned). Are you just sending my trophy?
    I'm still mulling over the over-whelming responses. I've sort of gone into shock at the state of how some people live compared to me! But rest assured, when I have tidied my room up I'll get back to you all.

  9. #129
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    I've sort of gone into shock at the state of how some people live compared to me!
    That can be taken two ways....

  10. #130

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    Re: You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Just remember, here in Milwaukee, WI beer is cheap and I'm always willing to bribe if need be.

  11. #131
    Rhoads238's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Ooooh I doubt it, I think the bathroom studio + toilet processing table takes the biscuit
    thanks Dave. I would also like to note that the processing table is a multi use piece of equipment. However it does not multi task very well.... one job at a time

    anyway i got a decent result with the bathroom studio that day

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...
    Last edited by Rhoads238; 20th October 2010 at 06:50 PM.

  12. #132

    Re: New work space

    Quote Originally Posted by ldunnvt View Post
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...
    My new work space, we just had our downstairs "finished" into a family room and an office for my wife and myself.

    Not even time yet to hang photos on the walls.
    Hey, Larry. You need to improve your skill-set self-assembly-furniture-wise. That trolley has a distinct lean to the left!

  13. #133
    pwnage101's Avatar
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    Re: New work space

    Here's a picture that I just took of myself sitting at my desk. My camera is usually on the table

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

  14. #134

    Re: New work space

    Quote Originally Posted by pwnage101 View Post
    Here's a picture that I just took of myself sitting at my desk. My camera is usually on the table

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    The toothbrush above the monitor? Is that for electronically cleaning the keyboard?

  15. #135

    The winners!!!!

    The following is just light banter, so please don't take offence.

    I'm not sure if I should be more shocked at the number of people who have viewed this thread, the number who have contributed, or the state that some of you live in - so tidy!

    I'm afraid most of you got it completely wrong. Did I not make it abundantly clear that I was looking for the messiest work environment. Actually, I probably didn't, but you should know by now that when I say one thing, I actually mean something else, and it's your job to work it out!

    There are so many responses I can't go through them all again. But I can pick out a few and announce the winners.

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Ron ought to get a prize for opening a museum, but sorry Ron, this is just too tidy.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Donald. You are in line to win prizes for the best B&W decor control freak in Scotland with this one. But messy it aint.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Jim - Great for playing chess, but not messy enough.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Kit - Nice try, love, but surely a bus should be messier than this?
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Colin - This might have been in the running for winning had there been some young ladies in it. But there isn't.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Jason - Not too bad on the messy front, but WAY too dangerous.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Katy - Brave effort. Shabby-chic is pretty, but just can't cut the mustard against man-messy.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Tamara - This looks soooooo, uncomfortable...
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Larry - You need to improve your self-assembly-furniture skills.
    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    The three winners are...

    Third place - John (Shadowman).
    A great example of laid-back behaviour. I like the liquor bottles, the brown paper bag, the flare in the computer screen.


    Second place - Chris (Hoffstriker). Great stuff, Chris. Anyone who can teach their dog Photoshop must deserve a winning place. Has he mastered layer masks yet? And the blanket on the sofa - pure brilliance! Donald, there's a lot here that you could learn from Chris.


    First place - Steve (Arith).
    This might seem a surprising choice as his room doesn't look all that bad. But what impressed me here was the natural look of it. This is a room that has grown organically into what it is. It's not forced, or contrived. The other reason I chose this one is the prize was to have been a Dyson cleaner. But as Steve already has a cleaner (left of shot) I don't need to award a prize. But Steve, think of the glory of winning. Congratulations mate.

    You won't like this competition - it's painful...

    Unhappy with the results? Tough! But thank you all for taking part. A great effort by all. And what a lot of fun (?). You wouldn't get this on POTN (the Mods would delete it)

  16. #136
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: The winners!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    The following is just light banter, so please don't take offence
    I am mortally wounded that the mess I created by having my coffee table books strategically placed at awkward angles indicating the delinquency that stirs under the surface, has not been recognised.

    ... but you should know by now that when I say one thing, I actually mean something else, and it's your job to work it out
    I thought that was the sole prerogative of the female gender (he declares as he dives for cover under his tidy desk)

  17. #137
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Where are you all?

    Well that's the last time I untidy my room for you Rob!

  18. #138

    Re: The winners!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I am mortally wounded that the mess I created by having my coffee table books strategically placed at awkward angles indicating the delinquency that stirs under the surface, has not been recognised.
    Get yourself a shaggy dog and sofa and you will be fine.

  19. #139

    Re: Where are you all?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clactonian View Post
    Well that's the last time I untidy my room for you Rob!
    You can't speak to Mods in that manner. Go to your tidy room at once!

  20. #140

    Re: Where are you all?

    I created by having my coffee table books strategically placed at awkward angles indicating the delinquency that stirs under the surface, has not been recognised.
    The poor lad spent hours with a Helix protractor and feeler guages on that you know. His notepads are even in a nice neat row...bless him. I think Donald should get a packet of Smarties for effort

    I wish you wouldn't keep reposting Tamara's image. It brings me out in cold sweats. I was lost in IKEA for the whole of a bank holiday weekend once...very traumatic. I still have a nervous tic caused by and incident with a meatball and dime bar fondou.

    Good choice of winner. Congrats Steve. We had a front room just like that when we first got married. I kept it that way just for the sheer entertainment of watching my mother gurn with disapproval.

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