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Thread: Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    Most of the time, we get moms who either have had their puppies in our home or whose puppies are a bit older when we meet them. However occasionally, we get a mom who has just recently given birth to her pups.

    We received one mom and her five new puppies last night who nailed my wife as she reached into the carrier for mom and the pups and then nailed me as I was unscrewing the connectors from the top of the carrier in order to open it.

    My trusty welder's gloves to the rescue.

    Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    These heavy leather gloves protect the hands from mom's teeth and the gloves also protect my wrists. Good thing about these gloves is that I can just let mom bite so yanking my hands away doesn't scare her. Nice thing about small dogs is that they don't cause serious injury if the do nail you...

    This is just protective behavior and doesn't have any indication of the personality of the mom, except that she is afraid and protective...

    Pictures of mom and her pups will follow after mom has calmed down a bit.

  2. #2

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    Re: Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    Good thing you work with little guys. With larger breeds the gloves might prevent bloodshed but not some potentially serious bruising. Bless you both for sticking with it.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    Here's the mom and her five pups after I transferred her to the cleaner puppy pen.

    Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    Once I lifted her (with the help of the welder's gloves and a bath towel wrapped around her) from the pen in which she and her pups were located, she was no longer scared. That also might have been helped by several slices of Black Forest ham that I had given her.

    Once back with her puppies, she began to revert back into the fearful and protective stance you can see in her eyes. I would guess that it might take me a couple of days and many slices of ham to gain her confidence. The little puppies seem no worse for the wear.

    I suspect that mom is some sort of a terrier mix while the father was a beige cocker-spaniel. The pups should turn out cute and my hands will heal soon

  4. #4
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Here's the mom and her five pups after I transferred her to the cleaner puppy pen.

    Handy Equipment For Puppy Photography

    Once I lifted her (with the help of the welder's gloves and a bath towel wrapped around her) from the pen in which she and her pups were located, she was no longer scared. That also might have been helped by several slices of Black Forest ham that I had given her.

    Once back with her puppies, she began to revert back into the fearful and protective stance you can see in her eyes. I would guess that it might take me a couple of days and many slices of ham to gain her confidence. The little puppies seem no worse for the wear.

    I suspect that mom is some sort of a terrier mix while the father was a beige cocker-spaniel. The pups should turn out cute and my hands will heal soon
    Richard, something went wrong with photo link to your Smugmug site: no dogs in view.

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