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Thread: The Divide

  1. #1

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    The Divide

    Much of life is a divide with a gray area of in between :Good - Bad : Love - Hate : Joy - Sorrow : Right - Wrong :Laughter - Tears ; Rich -Poor , but there is always that middle ground , the compromise and that space that need not be either extreme .
    The Divide

    The Divide

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: The Divide

    Such a great eye and composition!

    Which version do you like better and why? If you strongly prefer one over the other, check out the histogram of both versions to see the dramatic differences. That might lead to an understanding of why you prefer one over the other. I wonder why you post-processed the monochrome version so differently than the color version.

    I certainly prefer one strongly over the other and it has nothing to do with monochrome vs. color. Even so, it's much more important that you understand the reasoning behind your own preferences rather than mine.

  3. #3
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: The Divide

    With regard to theme, i prefer B&W; yet color image looks more sharp; i really like your interpretation, which suits the image perfectly

  4. #4
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: The Divide

    I don't think it matters which one any of us may prefer - both images for me are absolutely en point with regards to your theme and how you have chosen to interpret it.

  5. #5

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    Re: The Divide

    Interesting indeed, interpretation what ever one wants, mine the river of life. The droplets the good and bad.

  6. #6

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    Re: The Divide

    Mike , the difference in the histograms is truly interesting , I do prefer pic two as I wanted a greater sharp contrast with a tint of tones and shades . Maurice The River Of Life ah so appropriate . Thank you Kaye and Nan the Man for the kind words . I guess I should post the original later today , it was actually a tan tarp cover with fallen rain drops on it . Must run , absolutely tired of doctors , but they are , I suppose trying to aid my quality of life .

  7. #7

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    Re: The Divide

    Quote Originally Posted by selig1656 View Post
    Mike , the difference in the histograms is truly interesting , I do prefer pic two as I wanted a greater sharp contrast with a tint of tones and shades .
    That's also my choice for the same reason. Considering that you went to the trouble to make the monochrome, it would be worth it to adjust its white point to render brighter tones and to adjust its black point to render darker tones. Once you do that, the mid-tone contrast will inherently increase, but you may need to tweak it a bit more.

    Did you convert to monochrome using a color filter or did you desaturate the color image? Converting using a color filter gives you more control in almost all scenes.

  8. #8

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    Re: The Divide

    Mike , I did it using a filter , something I usually do not do .
    The Divide

    this is the original I believe

  9. #9

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    Re: The Divide

    Feel free to ask me to remove my version if you would prefer. I rarely post my own version of another person's image. Your color version is so nice both in concept and execution and you agreed with me that it is the nicer of your two versions, so I couldn't resist making a monochrome that is more like your color version.

    I converted from the color version using a yellow filter. I then tweaked the tone curve only very slightly, as the image looked quite nice without making that final adjustment.

    When you convert, I suggest choosing a color filter that produces results that most resemble the look you hope to ultimately achieve. You then only have to do a little tweaking. When you have to make a lot of changes that are so substantial that they are more than a tweak, you risk having to take more time and you risk producing unwanted artifacts.

    The Divide
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 2nd February 2017 at 10:52 PM.

  10. #10

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    Re: The Divide

    Quote Originally Posted by selig1656 View Post
    Mike , I did it using a filter , something I usually do not do .
    Keep in mind that when you convert using a color filter, you retain all of the data. Yet when you change the image by desaturating it, you lose two-thirds of the data.

  11. #11

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    Re: The Divide

    I see your input as a privilege and a chance to learn , I truly appreciate your wisdom . My using of filters is selective as I do realize your point that desaturation causes a vast loss of information .Most if not all I work off raw images .

  12. #12

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    Re: The Divide

    Hi Raymond After seeing Mike's edit , I think I prefer that one to the others, very nice image .

  13. #13

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    Re: The Divide

    I believe that learning is also how to be humble in accepting others opinions . I am glad to see your input .

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