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Thread: Tamron (Germany) - Great Service!

  1. #1

    Tamron (Germany) - Great Service!

    The zoom-rubber on my trusty old 18-270mm got loose.
    I sent an email to Tamron sevice. Found my free new rubber two days later in the mail.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron (Germany) - Great Service!

    Glad to hear that Werner,

    Nikon seem to fit rubber grips that slowly expand* over the years, resulting in them bulging and 'unsticking' from the barrel and - while often not actually being loose - look unsightly and lumpy.

    However, I suspect simply sending a replacement in the mail wouldn't help (me) a lot, I'd still have to glue it somehow.

    * Of course, the opposite might be true, perhaps the lens is shrinking

  3. #3

    Re: Tamron (Germany) - Great Service!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I'd still have to glue it somehow.

    * Of course, the opposite might be true, perhaps the lens is shrinking

    Hi Dave,
    I don't know about Nikon. Tamron stongly recommends not to glue anything but to just slip the replacement onto the lens.
    It stays there by its own tension.

    In an expanding universe shrinking lenses are not very likely although not completely impossible. ;-}

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron (Germany) - Great Service!

    Dave - I was able to order replacements online (via Amazon) for my Nikkor lenses and fixing them was little more than slipping the old ones off and slipping the new ones in place. Literally a 2 minute repair job.

    No glue involved whatsoever.

  5. #5
    kazuyar's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron (Germany) - Great Service!

    overall i think manufacturers are pretty good these days, i had a sigma lens that wouldn't work on my latest camera, after speaking to sigma it required a firmware update, they paid the postage both ways and did the update for free so i was very happy

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