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Thread: Spyder2 - old but still accurate?

  1. #1
    New Member Plasticene's Avatar
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    Spyder2 - old but still accurate?

    Hi everyone, I'd be interested in people's opinions here.

    I have a Spyder2 which seems to still work fine with Win8.1. At some point in the near future I'm hoping to upgrade to an Epson P600 or P800. My question is, is there any point also upgrading to a X-Rite i1Display Pro or the ColorMunki Display?

    The question is a bit academic atm as I don't have a decent printer. Obviously when I buy the new printer I can run tests, but any opinions here will help me determine my budget.

    Obviously the Spyder2 was proficient in its day, so surely it would be quite accurate still?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Spyder2 - old but still accurate?

    I don't know anything about equipment, but if you ultimately determine there is a need to upgrade I wonder why you wouldn't also consider upgrading to the latest version of the Spyder.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Allan Short

    Re: Spyder2 - old but still accurate?

    What the Spyder 2 will do it give you a profile of your view screen, what it will not do it create a printer, ink, and paper profile so that you know that what you see on screen will be the same as printed. The Epson P600 and P800 are excellent printers and the ICC profiles from Epson for those printers, ink, and Epson papers are very good, Epson I believe use X-Rite to produce their profiles. I myself use the ColorMunki Photo as it will produce a profile for my monitor and I can create custom ICC profiles for my specific Epson printer, their ink, and any stock that I use. So I would suggest that if you want to get into print wanting to get what you see on your monitor to match you print then get a system that will profile both the monitor and printer. As Epson use X-Rite to produce their ICC profiles I went with X-Rite.

    Cheers: Allan

  4. #4
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Spyder2 - old but still accurate?

    Used both in the past, but continue now with the X-Rite i1 Display Pro.

    Great for the screen and projector.

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