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Thread: Cake Smash - Chloe's first birthday

  1. #21
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Cake Smash - Chloe's first birthday

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    Better to be safe than sorry and have to wash our lots of cake! The series is perfect in my estimation! My Grandkids caused me to get the camera out and begin to hone my skills. There is something about their happiness that I want to catch and keep for memories! They grow up so fast!
    Thanks Sandy,

    Yes, I don't know how you found it, but you're just far too busy, not to mention tired (as Rebecca is discovering), in the early years of raising your own children, to see much of it happening, plus of course, being there 24/7 for them means the changes seem to happen in slow motion.

  2. #22
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Cake Smash - Chloe's first birthday

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Thanks John, perhaps I'm too hard on myself ...

    Although I can almost hear Izzie screaming "NOOOOO", after all the "harsh" critique I gave her in first half of last year
    You forgot to add that that is the only way to learn -- and I did learned a lot in photography from slowly building up my thick skin because of the criticisms I had got from all of you here who helped me become a better photographer. Really not up to speed yet but I will get there...

    Yes, the first year is all in my PBase Chloe album here

    Doesn't time fly?
    that is not what I mean...I mean, you looking back to all those twelve months, not really at Chloe but the pictures you took of her for the last 12 months.

    Now that's something I've never done to you

    Cheers, Dave
    If you call me up while I am being operated on and down under anesthesia, I will kill myself. hahahaha

  3. #23
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: Cake Smash - Chloe's first birthday

    Great shots Dave. I think the skin tones are perfect and I did not see the wrinkles or creases you referred to.

  4. #24
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Cake Smash - Chloe's first birthday

    OK I'm back to your failed cake smash shots... My favourite of all is #6 -- you can't match that expression my friend...and I can understand the space constraint of the clipped foot here and there too. I was just thinking that it might have helped if you have a wider angle lens to shoot with then zoom in later in post processing to crop. Will that would have helped?

    Chloe had grown up so fast. Can't believe it had been a year...I sometimes looked at Anika's pictures around my den wall and all her "gifts" to me of her art work, and also when I go downstairs to Bill's den and her artworks and her pictures, also on the door of the refrigerator and not to mention the door of my separate freezer, and now she will be 4 years old at the end of the month. Time really flies fast...

  5. #25
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Cake Smash - Chloe's first birthday

    Thanks Izzie,

    OK I'm back to your failed cake smash shots...
    Your post (my bold) was just the tonic I needed to counter the rest of my morning here

    I was shooting a 35mm on DX (50mm FFFE), much wider (e.g. 28mm) might give unacceptable distortion near the edge of frame when the Chloe gets too close. Some are quite a crop from a wider angle, I just need to be more careful next time

    Cheers, Dave

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