OK; they are good; but the subject want some striking point; i was thinking about turning one drop selectively red ?
Nice one.
Nicely done, but a bit bland.
Nandakumar's idea is very good!
Izzie , I agree , however out of time as I am preparing again for surgery . I will try hopefully some time next week. As always I love hearing input and especially different perspectives . Great day yesterday shooting macro, nothing like fresh snow ant the fine art it creates.
Wishing all the best for your expedient recovery
Izzie , you will be in my prayers , yes before any more damage. I had a full neck , cervical fusion done in 2014 , I have much nerve damage and live in constant pain along with loss of range. This also lead to weakness and damage in both my shoulders, the left was done in July 2016 they will be addressing the right shoulder soon .