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Thread: Bournemouth Morning

  1. #1
    RichB's Avatar
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    Bournemouth Morning

    I popped down to the beach this morning to take a few pics. This is the result and I'm pretty happy with it but I'd love to get some views on it.

    Bournemouth Morning

    Plus here's a second that I wasn't as keen on because of the clutter but again I'd love to know your thoughts.

    Bournemouth Morning

  2. #2
    dragonaxe's Avatar
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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    I love them mate!!!

    #1 is awesome Is there a way in PP to straighten the marker pole so it's vertical (I know, its a bit anal, but it's the first thing I spotted )

    #2 might be worth retaking, so it just shows the metal gate and pier beyond (cutting out the sign and doors, etc, out of the shot completely)

    But really well done Richard!

  3. #3

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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    Hi Richard,

    Great job on both

    Just one thought though ... sometimes it can work a little better if you don't centre things. What do you think of this?

    Bournemouth Morning

  4. #4
    Rhoads238's Avatar
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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    I really like the first one. The way the lights look like theyre mounted on the gate is nice. i also like the pull from behind the gate. I also really like the symmetry with the two sides of the building. i think i would have cloned out the sign that says venirs though. the second shot i like but i don't feel it is as interesting as the first. the water has a good feeling of movement without being too flat

  5. #5
    RichB's Avatar
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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    Gareth thanks a lot. Drat you for pointing out the wonky marker pole though, I hadn't noticed it before so I might have to fix that. Although I don't think I'd do good enough a job to make it worthwhile as it isn't so noticeable to me. I've done a crop of the second pic as you described and I like the idea but it was suprisingly uninteresting, I will have to go and retake it at some point though. I wanted to go and take pictures from that pier but unfortunately it was locked .

    Colin I have to agree with you that everything is too centered, yours is a more balanced composition. I'm not sure I'll re do it that way as I want to print it and my girlfriend is very against "Doctored" photos, not that she likes the picture anyway .

    Jason thanks, I have cloned out the "venirs" sign and it looks better I reckon.

    Just to prove I wasn't all out to make symmetrical shots I did shoot off center pictures they just weren't as good I don't think.
    Bournemouth Morning
    Last edited by RichB; 29th September 2010 at 06:12 PM.

  6. #6
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    I just like to know what it is. Thev pier is nice really nice.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    Hi Richard,

    I think a level horizon is even more noticeable than a non-vertical pole, so you made the correct choice there, but I agree with Colin's 'less centred' version.

    I also agree with Jason's thoughts on #2; I might go further and tackle the white box (for dog water?) on the ground on right and possibly even the sheet of paper in the right hand telephone cubicle. I like the composition though - just right.


  8. #8

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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    I seem to be a minority, but I don't like Colin's version: that pole looks like a beacon, indicating a danger. Put it off to the side, and boats might misjudge the danger... (done a decent bit of sailing, and hitting rocks hurts, even in small boats and w/o damage ) I guess it just feels wrong to me to have the beacon off-centre


  9. #9

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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    How about this?

    Bournemouth Morning

  10. #10
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Bournemouth Morning

    Quote Originally Posted by RichB View Post

    Colin I have to agree with you that everything is too centered, yours is a more balanced composition.

    Bournemouth Morning
    Both are terrific Richard - personally I think the off centre works much better for this 1 as well - because brings in the extra texture and tone/colour of the slimey rocks.

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