My New Year's resolution was to create the world's best hot dog. If you don't think these really are the world's best hot dogs, just ask me; I'll be more than happy to confirm that there is no recipe as good as this one.
The Sauce:
The hot dog sauce is such a slight modification of the sauce in this copyrighted recipe from Food and Wine magazine (that recipe is fabulous!) that I'm not comfortable providing that part of the recipe as my own. Make a small portion of that sauce using a light red wine such as Gamay, Pinot Noir or Barbera instead of white wine. Include a touch of cinnamon in the sauce. Cook the sauce until it's thick and gooey.
The Hot Dogs
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 Celsius).
Place your favorite hot dogs ideally made at least partly with pork on a baking sheet. Slice each hot dog down the length not quite all the way through the meat. Open up the hot dogs so the flat surfaces face up. Spread the sauce onto the hot dogs.
The Pastry
Spread your favorite pastry (I use Pepperidge Farm frozen puff pastry) as thin as possible using a rolling pin and cut it into strips about 1" x 14" (about 3cm x 35cm). Cut thin pieces of Swiss cheese into lengths the same width and place them end to end on top of the pastry. Carefully wrap the hot dogs and sauce as shown in the photo with the cheese between the hot dog and the pastry. Remove any unused pastry and Swiss cheese. Lightly brush the exposed pastry with a beaten raw egg.
Baking & Serving
Bake for about ten minutes until the pastry is nicely browned. Garnish the meat and sauce (not the pastry) with chopped scallions. Serve hot with a side dish of applesauce garnished with cinnamon.
The tabletop is a place mat. A small continuous-light lamp fitted with a diffusion sock was above, to the left and very close to the scene to create soft shadows. A reflector on the right side lifted the shadow tones on that side of the scene. A polarizer controlled glare.