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Thread: Terrible time in life

  1. #1
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Terrible time in life

    Skid row, Los Angeles
    I don't think he realized I was taking his photo, he was just in a very bad place.

    Terrible time in life


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Hard to tell, perhaps just collecting cans. Nicely processed though.

  3. #3

    Re: Terrible time in life

    I always feel faintly bad about that kind of candid shots.
    Mostly because they are only benefitting the photographer by exploiting
    poverty and need. (don't tell me it's documentary)
    If we decide to go into that particular kind of street photography we should
    at least pay the model.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Agree with Werner. I always think they should be left alone.

  5. #5
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Quote Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    I always feel faintly bad about that kind of candid shots.
    Mostly because they are only benefitting the photographer by exploiting
    poverty and need. (don't tell me it's documentary)
    If we decide to go into that particular kind of street photography we should
    at least pay the model.
    Your points are well taken, and some believe this yes. There have been documentaries on skid row because of the poverty. Yet, it's an "organized" place, policed, and many charities and organizations are there trying to assist. In fact, many of the individuals living on skid row are housed at night... because people have brought attention to it. I've volunteered in many places that most people in my fortunate situation wouldn't go even with police escort (East Oakland, Skid Row, etc.). I'm not benefiting myself, honestly I believe that is a silly statement . What benefit do I draw from it, I didn't make any money from it. If nothing else, I think pretending something like this doesn't exist (which most in this country would like to do) is far more exploitive. I guess I could have stuck to Beverly Hills and Hollywood. :-)
    Thank you for your honest comments!!

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    I think the vote would be 50/50 for or against; from the observed and observers wherever you shoot.

  7. #7
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    I think the vote would be 50/50 for or against; from the observed and observers wherever you shoot.
    Agree John. I think Street Photography in many cases is controversial.
    This was on a day I had just left Union Rescue Mission. No exploitation intended, just interest, amazement and some sadness.
    Very rare I post photos anywhere like this one, I have "worse" examples.

  8. #8
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    You didn't expose the man's identity by allowing a shot of his face in the pic that you posted. You only showed the dire circumstances he may be in. I am one that sees no harm in this particular pic! And it is well done to boot!

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    Re: Terrible time in life

    I disagree with the notion that 'they' should be left alone. They are not invisible they exist, many, are truly 'in a bad place.' This is a very emotive and complex issue and people get very upset. When I see a very 'ugly' person I look. I do not stare but I do look. The person before me is not invisible and deserves to be looked at, not ignored. The argument between public and private benefit I don't really care about. Unfortunate people do exist.
    Cheers Ole

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    I neither endorse nor condemn photography of these less fortunate folks. I simply made a personal decision not to photograph them. Whenever I do see a street person, I think, "There but for the grace of God go I!"

  11. #11
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    The list would be endless for subjects that should and shouldn't be photographed or videotaped and today's don'ts will become a future why not.

  12. #12
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    It is a complex issue for sure. So much mental illness that either causes or is caused by life on the streets. I think often we are scared to look because so many are a paycheck or an illness away from it. That's just my thoughts. Personally, I find places like Skid Row fascinating. Weird I know. But the stories are compelling.
    When living in the Oakland Hills, I would often get asked why "someone like me" (whatever that is) would want to go down into the "ghetto" to serve meals to people on drugs stealing from taxpayers and scamming the system. Well, ouch. For every individual possibly doing that, there were several that just needed that one meal a day. I grew up in a poverty stricken household, so maybe that is why I am drawn to it. My out was joining the USAF and after college. I was lucky.

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    Re: Terrible time in life

    I was pretty poor as a kid also. My out was joining the Navy. Like Sharon, I continued my education while in the Navy and ended up with two bachelor degrees and one master's degree, plus a few certificates.

  14. #14
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I was pretty poor as a kid also. My out was joining the Navy. Like Sharon, I continued my education while in the Navy and ended up with two bachelor degrees and one master's degree, plus a few certificates.
    Awesome Richard.

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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Photographer Cory Richards said something to the effect that our true selves are revealed in adversity. Street photos can be very true and bare and raw. As to the propriety of taking such photos, to my mind the question largely reduces to whether or not the dignity of the other was preserved and whether or not the other was exploited.

  16. #16
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Quote Originally Posted by paintingwithlight View Post
    Photographer Cory Richards said something to the effect that our true selves are revealed in adversity. Street photos can be very true and bare and raw. As to the propriety of taking such photos, to my mind the question largely reduces to whether or not the dignity of the other was preserved and whether or not the other was exploited.
    That's a really good way to look at it Painting :-). I understand there are exploitations that can happen. Never my intention to do anything other than possibly tell a story ... and in these instances a story many don't want to see. It really is a very fine line to walk, and if I offend in any way my deepest apologies. I do realize skid row has probably been "exploited" in many cases, yet there is a story to tell. There really is very little like it in the US of A... small pockets for sure (Seattle Tent Cities for example), but blocks and blocks of almost what seems like a City inside of a City is pretty rare.

  17. #17
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Another example is this man. Heat of summer in Los Angeles. I talked with him about the magazine he was reading. A good way to pass the time he said. I wanted to ask why he was in winter clothes, but of course he was not aware of why. He did say yes, take my picture for a sandwich. I obliged. Photo is a bit destroyed, but...

    Terrible time in life

    I do happen to love to hear people's stories, if they are willing to share.

  18. #18
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Nicely captured and processed, I've seen in most cities no identifiable markers where the district begins or ends, in Vancouver you physically walk inches and you find yourself fully engaged with the inhabitants.
    Last edited by Shadowman; 17th February 2017 at 08:15 PM.

  19. #19
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Life is what it is and photographers are what they are. I shoot what I see with few regards to subject matter. If the shot is there, I'm going to take it. Exploitation is such an overused word. To ignore this man is also exploitation in pretending he doesn't exist. It's the tree in the woods when no one is there to hear it...but Sharon was there and she did see it, therefore, I think she had an obligation to trust her instincts. Bravo.

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    Re: Terrible time in life

    Quote Originally Posted by ccphoto View Post
    Life is what it is and photographers are what they are. I shoot what I see with few regards to subject matter. If the shot is there, I'm going to take it. Exploitation is such an overused word.
    This is my personal litmus test. I don't claim that it is correct. This is just what I do.

    If I have a conversation with a disadvantaged person and receive their permission to photograph them, I sometimes post the photo. I've met some interesting characters. Some people love posing for photos.

    If I photograph a disadvantaged person without their explicit permission and they turn away, shake their head or avert their gaze I never share the photo. In some instances I delete it.

    There is plenty of ground between these two poles. When in doubt try to preserve the dignity of the other.

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