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Thread: Ladybugs emerging

  1. #1
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Ladybugs emerging

    The ladybugs are done hibernating even though there is still a bit of snow on the ground. My neighbor's meadow is full of them. I'm a newbie here and really looking forward to learning, learning, learning...which shouldn't be too hard considering the caliber of images I see on the site and the thoughtful critiques. Cheers, Susan
    Ladybugs emerging
    Last edited by Rainforest; 17th February 2017 at 10:07 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Very nice images, Susan, and welcome to CiC.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Nice shot.

  4. #4

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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Welcome Susan. Nice image. The Ladybugs chose the right background for you.

  5. #5
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    They did and thanks for the hi hos. Here's the other shot I wanted to post so you can see the mass of them! I have some Ladybug macros that I hope to get some feedback on in the future...lots of ladies. Ladybugs emerging

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Welcome to CiC, Sharon!

    The first scene is a beautiful photograph because of the nice composition including the use of the diagonal, the complementary colors and the diffuse light. It appears that you didn't use a polarizer. If I'm right about that, using one would have taken the photo to an even higher level.

    The second photo is very informational, as I had no idea ladybugs collect in such large groups. Thanks for sharing!

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Hi Susan,

    I wasn't sure about the crop and also thought it might stand a little more 'punch'.

    Ladybugs emerging
    How does this look?

    Ladybugs emerging

    What did I do? (and why)

    Opened in ACR;
    Clarity: +30 (add punch)
    Vibrance: +15 (ditto)
    Shadows: +30 (reveal a bit more detail in shadows)

    Opened in PS CC;
    Cropped some off top edge (to just exclude the off leaf are in top right corner which I felt was unnecessarily attracting my attention too much)
    Downsized to 950px tall (to fit most people's screens better at 1:1)
    Sharpened with USM at Amount 150%, Radius 0.3px Threshold 1 (sharpen necessary after downsize)
    Saved as jpg with level 9/12.

    Any better? - you can flick between them in LyteBox (images 3 and 4)

    In hindsight, I might also crop a slither off the right hand edge as well, just enough to remove that green spike, as that now attracts my eye.

    I didn't ask whether you mind me reposting an edited version of your image - if you do, let me know here - and I'll remove it (but leave the editing details)

    I hope that is helpful in your quest to "learn, learn, learn".

    Cheers, Dave

  8. #8
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Hi Mike,
    My name is Susan :+) and thank you for the welcome and ideas. I have used a polarizer when shooting these babies in the past with very mixed results. Partly due to not using it very well and the partly due to their color. The images come out looking a bit dull. I'm more confident in LR now so I may be able to enhance them better in PP. This time I just used my body as best I could and for some a piece of cardboard - a little lazy. .....we're on the subject so here's (hopefully) a couple more. ;-)Ladybugs emerging

  9. #9
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Hi Dave,
    I don't mind one little bit and appreciate the editing details to no end. I do like the extra punch. I cropped one closer as well but that little guy in the lower left (he's blurry) looked even more prominent - perhaps I will remove him altogether. Ladybugs are not still for a moment unless it is cold and wet. Thanks very much! It's only 6:43AM and I've already learned something today.

    P.S. Can you post more than one picture using the tinypic feature? I uploaded three just fine but only the first one appears?
    Last edited by Rainforest; 18th February 2017 at 03:47 PM.

  10. #10

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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Quote Originally Posted by Rainforest View Post
    Hi Mike, My name is Susan :+)
    Oops! My apologies!

    You can post multiple images in a post using TinyPic but you have to upload them one at a time. After you upload the first one, click the Preview Post button and you will then be able to upload the second one. Repeat that process until you have uploaded all of the images.

    The polarizer should not have made an image look dull except that by eliminating some or all of the glare you would have eliminated the brightest parts of the image if there were no other parts equally bright. You can make up for that by properly exposing so the histogram displays data at least almost all the way to the right side of the graph. You can also increase the punch by adjusting it during post-processing.

    If your polarizer is adding a color cast (some poor quality polarizers do that), consider purchasing one that doesn't. You can search for that topic here, as there are lots of threads about that.

  11. #11
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    No worries!
    I have a very good quality circular polarizing filter - the operator needs to practice more. I've been using it a lot this winter as I am in the rainforest but don't always adjust it often enough! Thanks again for the comments and TinyPic info Mike.

    Here's the other clumping shot I wanted to post - a bit more artistic.
    Last edited by Rainforest; 18th February 2017 at 07:00 PM.

  12. #12
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Hi Susan

    I really like the first image; there are much happenings there; the most fascinating part is the leaving of three bugs in a row....

    Second image is a bit disturbing

    Third one is again very well composed

  13. #13
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Hi Susan

    I really like the first image; there are much happenings there; the most fascinating part is the leaving of three bugs in a row....

    Second image is a bit disturbing

    Third one is again very well composed

    That second shot is disturbing! It's really just to show folks how they emerge from the grass - crazy bunch of them!

  14. #14
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Ladybugs emerging Here'a the other clumping shot I wanted to post - a bit more artistic.

  15. #15
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Nice coverage of some very important bugs...

    It would be great to be able to transfer some of these ladies to a rose garden. Of course, roses are not in bloom many places at this time of the year. However, here in Southern California, we cut back our roses around the first of the year so that the plants can get a rest. My roses are already sprouting new foliage.

  16. #16
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    I got lost in the numbering already and others had already commented on the beauty of your shot. I have nothing to offer but suffice to say, I like where you are situated and if Mark (Marlunn) had already started the bugs at this stage (I was away far too long lately...) you might want to join the macro bug o graphers in this forum.

    Welcome to CiC.

  17. #17
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Thanks Izzie - I do often fall into the bug o grapher category.

  18. #18
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    Wont they eat away the whole jungle?

  19. #19
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    I am not a big specialist but, I believe that the diet of these bugs is mainly other bugs, especially destructive creatures like aphids. In fact, many garden centers sell containers of these bugs for people to release in their gardens. That is a great, environmentally friendly, way to clear your plants of those nasty critters like aphids.

  20. #20
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Ladybugs emerging

    One downside to ladybugs that I have heard is that you don't want an infestation in your home - they stink to high heaven! I'm all for less aphids.

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