Great!!! can they ever be tamed?
I can see a strong yellow color cast all over the image. Nice pose though Randy![]()
Not really tamed... Although they look very close to dogs they are totally different.
Wolves can mix with domestic dogs and the results "can" be quite nice. My Sara Lee was Wolf, Golden Retriever and Golden Retriever mix. I don't know how much wolf she had in her but, there were definitely wolf genes flowing through that dog.
I have seen some pure wolves who were domesticated but, that is a chancy proposition.
Thanks for viewing the photo, Nandakumar. I posted a corrected photo after Binnur graciously pointed out the yellow color cast on the original photo I posted. I will defer to Richard, who posted above. He is much more knowledgeable about canines. The coyote was on a strong leash and was handled by a wildlife rehabilitator. The coyote didn't seem fazed by the spectators, and was quite well-behaved.
Last edited by RandyRFJP; 22nd February 2017 at 11:21 PM.
Richard, thanks for viewing the photo and for the information you provided. The white balance was way off on the initial photo I posted. The second image is a color-corrected version. The rehabilitator handling the coyote also rehabilitates injured wolves.
Looks better now...
Glad it was a yawn in the gym ;-). I have no doubt a HS gym is less than perfect conditions for shooting wildlife. What a great coat of fur.
I have never seen a coyote and never could have recognized that yellow color cast, if Binnur were not to mention it; Thanks, Randy for adjusting the color
Richard, thank you for your kind information...and Sara Lee...she must be a gem of a female dog![]()
Looks better Randy![]()
Yes she was. One time a guy collecting for a bogus charity came up to my fence (I live in the country and am surrounded by six foot chain link fence). My little Maltese were barking at him and he said, "Those are cute dogs but, they wouldn't scare away no robber!" As he said that, Sara Lee (who thought he was a danger to her small buddies) came barreling up to the fence and hit it full speed with jaws wide open. She was about 85 pounds at prime and had tall wolf-looking legs. Her hackles were up and she looked like she was an angry hundred and fifty pound dog.
He didn't wait around for me to reply, that they wouldn't scare away a robber but, Sara probably would
When I was having my pool installed, the contractor hired a bunch of sleeze-balls to do some of the manual labor. Two or three times a day, I'd walk Sara around among them just so they could hear her growl and see who was defending my home...