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Thread: Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  1. #1

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    Have a guess :)

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    A quick "environmental shot" from Tasty Buggers, where I eat lunch far too often!

    Hi Luis!

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  2. #2
    mastamak's Avatar
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    re: Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    What happened to day 3? It is still day 3 in our part of the world, Colin, unless I have entered the Twilight Zone. Oops, now I see it - further down the thread. I'll move down there.
    I'd be a bit cautious about "Tasty Buggers" if I were you - looks delicious but how's the diet going?

  3. #3
    Camellia's Avatar
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    Day 4 After the fire

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    This is the burnt out remains of the 9" Oddie Refractor at Mt Stromlo. This was the first telescope on Mt Stromlo and was installed in 1911. It was built by Grubb of Dublin in 1888.

    Canberra had a firestore in January 2003 that destroyed all the buildings at Mt Stromlo Observatory and surrounding areas. A number of lives were lost.

  4. #4
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: New Front Door for Studio

    I had planned to show an image of me and a friend collecting my new front door for the studio but things moved quickly and I forgot. We did get the doors, which was great. They will replace the wooden doors on the top righthand side of the shed. We are still working on getting up to them.

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  5. #5
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Day 4 After the fire

    Quote Originally Posted by Camellia View Post
    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    This is the burnt out remains of the 9" Oddie Refractor at Mt Stromlo. This was the first telescope on Mt Stromlo and was installed in 1911. It was built by Grubb of Dublin in 1888.

    Canberra had a firestore in January 2003 that destroyed all the buildings at Mt Stromlo Observatory and surrounding areas. A number of lives were lost.
    I remember that Raylee. This might be quiet striking as a B&W with those clouds in the background fanning out like they do.

  6. #6
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Pride - 7 Deadly Sins

    I have wanted to do a series of images that somehow featured these fingernails as part of learning a bit more about 'constructed or abstract' images.
    What I came up with is the idea to feature on a given day throughout the PAD each of the 7 deadly sins.

    Pride being today's example - (of course 1 of the hardest to encapsulate photographically I thought.) - Many of you may not know but we have a habit in some parts of Australian life, to 'cut people down to size' the name they give it here is 'The tall poppy syndrome'.

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  7. #7

    Re: Pride - 7 Deadly Sins

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD
    I'm just curious - what are you going to do for 'lust'?

    Good shot(s), and a very good idea. Did you see the movie Se7en?

  8. #8
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Pride - 7 Deadly Sins

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    I'm just curious - what are you going to do for 'lust'?

    Good shot(s), and a very good idea. Did you see the movie Se7en?
    hmmm - I have a bit of an idea for lust (strictly G rated of course) .....and no I didn't see that movie - maybe I should for some inspiration!
    These ones should have had a Black background, but oh well - if I knew it all I wouldn't be here

  9. #9
    Camellia's Avatar
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    Re: Day 4 After the fire

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    Here's a black and white version Peter.

  10. #10

    Re: Pride - 7 Deadly Sins

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    These ones should have had a Black background, but oh well - if I knew it all I wouldn't be here
    Go to your local art shop and get a large (30x20 inch) black mount-board (they are cheap). Use it as a backdrop.

    I'm still here and I know everything, but my wife says the only thing that I don't know is that I don't know everything.

  11. #11
    mastamak's Avatar
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    Three Colours Green

    This is the hill behind my house. At this time of year, with spring growth there is every possible shade if green imaginable. The birds are Torres Strait Pigeons. They nest on the Barrier Reef islands and fly in every day to feast in the rainforest, returning to their nests at sunset. They are in a Quondong tree feasting on the dark purple fruit.

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD


  12. #12
    timo2's Avatar
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    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  13. #13
    Pete W's Avatar
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    M40 Graffiti

    Went to take a shot of some horses in a field off the motorway and found that some people have been using the flyover supports as canvases...I have driven over this literally thousands of times without realising what was underneath....the flyover is in the middle of a load of waste ground but does go over a road and the Grand Union Canal.
    I'm working in Chelsea, London tomorrow so maybe get a slightly more upmarket image...or not.


    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  14. #14
    Pete W's Avatar
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    Re: Pride - 7 Deadly Sins

    Round here "pride comes before a fall"...exactly what you have in the shots...

    interesting stuff, I look forward to the other 'sins'..


    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    I have wanted to do a series of images that somehow featured these fingernails as part of learning a bit more about 'constructed or abstract' images.
    What I came up with is the idea to feature on a given day throughout the PAD each of the 7 deadly sins.

    Pride being today's example - (of course 1 of the hardest to encapsulate photographically I thought.) - Many of you may not know but we have a habit in some parts of Australian life, to 'cut people down to size' the name they give it here is 'The tall poppy syndrome'.

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  15. #15

  16. #16

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    At the Fish Quay

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    Today was one of those perfect Autumn Days. Warm, clear and calm, but I had to waste most of it by waiting around at home for a delivery.

    But eventually I managed to nip down to the Fish Quay for a few moments.

  17. #17
    dragonaxe's Avatar
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    Re: Day 4

    nice one, katy. It might have been worth shooting from a slightly higher angle so you got all the petals in. Nice shot tho..has your hallmark feel to it

  18. #18

    re: Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    A quick "environmental shot" from Tasty Buggers, where I eat lunch far too often!

    Hi Luis!

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD
    Mmmmmm! Lovely! Alfalfa sprouts, wheatgerm, organic vegetables, rice picked at the correct altitude by Vietnamese buddhist monks playing the gongs, spices from the mystic orient, natural spring water from the foothills of Everest, fruits of the forest...

    Bon Appétit, mon ami...

  19. #19
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    My House

    Got this photo this morning not long before the wind and rain set in,and I had to go working on the house.
    I bought this house and after a long process finally got the keys at the end of august,it was built in 1913 and needs a lot of work done to it.
    The first time I'v become a house owner,that is after I'v paid off the loan

    Day 04 - October 2010 PAD

  20. #20
    Pete W's Avatar
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    Re: My House


    House looks great..
    ..will you continue the Irish tradition of painting your house a funky colour and in complete contrast to your neighbour?



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