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Thread: Extremes in 'biking'

  1. #1

    Extremes in 'biking'

    Despite a head cold I needed to get out to enjoy my last couple of warm, sunny days in NZ before I return to a colder and bleaker Canada. Taking a moment's rest I was confronted by two interpretations of the concept of a bike... or one of them is on serious steroids...

    Extremes in 'biking'

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Nicely seen and captured.

  3. #3
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    A fitting image as my bicycling season is about to start. My goal is 4000 miles. I keep a cyclocross bike in Wyoming which is a lot more comfortable than the standard road bike but not as fast.

  4. #4
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Cool photo. Love both!
    I guess a pedal bike is considered cycling, a motorized one is biking
    I have both. A Pinarello Prince Road bike and a Honda CRB250 sport motorcycle.
    Looking forward to spring!
    And come on, Vancouver Island is beautiful most of the time, and the summers... nothing better

  5. #5

    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    I have Cannondale cyclecross and mountain bikes and love them both. I used to ride a motorcycle, but have been assured by 'she who must be obeyed' that if I get another she will kill me herself!

    Absolutely no argument about Vancouver Island being gorgeous most of the time, but not so much in winter and less so when I leave sunny and 26degC and arrive with a high of 9degc, Low of 3, and rain.
    Extremes in 'biking'
    Auckland yesterday (and today and tomorrow, and the next day...)

    Extremes in 'biking'

    THAT SAID, it appears I am bringing good weather with me as the sun will shine for the next few days after - but not a lot warmer.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovelife65 View Post
    Cool photo. Love both!
    I guess a pedal bike is considered cycling, a motorized one is biking
    I have both. A Pinarello Prince Road bike and a Honda CRB250 sport motorcycle.
    Looking forward to spring!
    And come on, Vancouver Island is beautiful most of the time, and the summers... nothing better
    Last edited by Tronhard; 16th March 2017 at 04:02 AM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Good clarity and well controlled exposure with all these images. Interesting compositions as well.

  7. #7
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post

    Absolutely no argument about Vancouver Island being gorgeous most of the time, but not so much in winter and less so when I leave sunny and 26degC and arrive with a high of 9degc, Low of 3, and rain.

    THAT SAID, it appears I am bringing good weather with me as the sun will shine for the next few days after - but not a lot warmer.
    It's already sunny. I've just been out pruning roses. (But it may rain by the time you get here.)

  8. #8

    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Actually I took the last two images less for their artistic merit, and more as record of what the place looks like before major works put up some pretty big new structures.

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Good clarity and well controlled exposure with all these images. Interesting compositions as well.

  9. #9

    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    I shall let the Canadian weather service respond to that one...
    Extremes in 'biking'

    I note that these things are dynamic... in fact the weather forecast was showing sunny from Sunday to Tuesday yesterday, but things have gone backwards a bit. Either way there is a serious discrepancy in the temperature - but that's where clothes come in!

    I have been wearing shorts and sandals for five months now, major culture shock ahead!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    It's already sunny. I've just been out pruning roses. (But it may rain by the time you get here.)

  10. #10
    Rainforest's Avatar
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Nice shot Trev. Spring will come to the NW too - I'm sure of better!

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Extremes in 'biking'

    Nicely seen, Trevor...I hope you do not have to drag your "she-who-must-be obeyed" with you all the time you decided to have a taste of summer to and from Canada and AZ...

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