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Thread: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

  1. #1
    Tejal's Avatar
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    At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Dear All,

    Herewith I am sharing a pic which was taken recently at a vegetable market. Kindly share your C&C for the same.



    At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!IMG_5919 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr

  2. #2
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Great potential with the colours and buzz of the market. However, you were a bit unlucky with the disposition of the various people as they are mostly in positions that take your eye out of the photo and that don't provide a centre of attention. I don't know how much you have to play with, but could you try cropping to make the lady with the green (peppers? okra?) laid out in front of her and the lady to her left (the one with the green shawl/scarf) the main subjects?

  3. #3
    Tejal's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Great potential with the colours and buzz of the market. However, you were a bit unlucky with the disposition of the various people as they are mostly in positions that take your eye out of the photo and that don't provide a centre of attention. I don't know how much you have to play with, but could you try cropping to make the lady with the green (peppers? okra?) laid out in front of her and the lady to her left (the one with the green shawl/scarf) the main subjects?
    Thank you Bill for your feedback. I may have some shots having limited elements and with a center point of attention. I will share it, if possible.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Nicely done, good balance of static and dynamic subjects.

  5. #5
    Tejal's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nicely done, good balance of static and dynamic subjects.
    Thank you John 😊.

  6. #6

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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    For me, Tejal, there is a problem with the woman in the bottom right corner. Her face is blurred, but not really your fault; it looks as though she moved faster than your shutter speed could handle.

    However, she is in an odd position relating to the rest of the scene and only her upper body is visible. So I would consider a crop to remove some of the right side. Maybe lose about a third of the image and go to 4 x 5 ratio or square to concentrate on the better composition with the people on the left side of the scene. Retain the woman in blue I think.

    But even then there are some blurred hands caused by subject movement.

  7. #7
    Tejal's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    For me, Tejal, there is a problem with the woman in the bottom right corner. Her face is blurred, but not really your fault; it looks as though she moved faster than your shutter speed could handle.

    However, she is in an odd position relating to the rest of the scene and only her upper body is visible. So I would consider a crop to remove some of the right side. Maybe lose about a third of the image and go to 4 x 5 ratio or square to concentrate on the better composition with the people on the left side of the scene. Retain the woman in blue I think.

    But even then there are some blurred hands caused by subject movement.
    Noted your valuable suggestion. Many thanks for the same. I will work on it again .

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Hi Tejal,

    My thoughts were summarised by Bill's post - a shot not timed as I would have - resulting in many people at the edges walking (or looking) out of frame at both left and right. This includes the well lit woman that we might consider the main subject.

    HTH, Dave

  9. #9
    Tejal's Avatar
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    Re: At the vegetable market - C&C are most welcome !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Tejal,

    My thoughts were summarised by Bill's post - a shot not timed as I would have - resulting in many people at the edges walking (or looking) out of frame at both left and right. This includes the well lit woman that we might consider the main subject.

    HTH, Dave
    Thanks Dave for your valuable feedback. . I will take all the points in my mind and will try again.

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