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Thread: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

  1. #1
    LouiseTopp's Avatar
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    How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    I am working on my photos in Elements 11 and I have a problem which is doing my head in to such an extent I might give up with photography.

    I get my photos printed at Fugi labs and I'm fed up to the back teeth now of being told that I can only have them at 8 + 6 becuae the resolution is too low. I've asked someone to explain (as because of my Autismn, I have Aspbergers) I can't understand figures and numbers at all. But I'm still confused as the staff are very vague and I still can't undersatnd what they mean.

    When I do a photo I upload it and check the Image tab, and image resize. I always make sure the resolution is on 300, but what numbers do I put in the Width and height? At the moment they are both on centimetres, should I have it on inches?

    Also, what does the resample image box do, it's unticked at the moment I only have the constrain proportions box ticked at present.

    Sorry to ask, I get so frastred and worried I've now messed up my photo's. I just want someone to sit down with me and sort my memory stick out and explain to me in plain English how to sort this out. Somehow I'm inadvertantly ruining my images without understanding what's happening.

    I am trying to do a portfolio, but the images need to be bigger, but everytime i go to get them printed, I'm told this just insn't possible which winds me right up.

  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    Best option - take your images as they are and not resized to a lab (even just the one at your local Asda) on a USB stick and speak to someone face-to-face.

    Your issue could well be a quirk with the online software/website so just remove that from the equation.

  3. #3

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    Re: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    Quote Originally Posted by LouiseTopp View Post
    I am working on my photos in Elements 11 and I have a problem which is doing my head in to such an extent I might give up with photography.

    I get my photos printed at Fugi labs and I'm fed up to the back teeth now of being told that I can only have them at 8 + 6 becuae the resolution is too low. I've asked someone to explain (as because of my Autism, I have Aspberger's) I can't understand figures and numbers at all. But I'm still confused as the staff are very vague and I still can't understand what they mean.

    When I do a photo I upload it and check the Image tab, and image resize. I always make sure the resolution is on 300, but what numbers do I put in the Width and height? At the moment they are both on centimetres, should I have it on inches?
    I'll try hard not to do your head in . . .

    Your resolution number (300) has no effect on the size of your image in pixels. When you set that number to something else, e.g. 150, your review image size on-screen does not change.

    The resolution number is set by you to obtain a particular size of print but it can't always be 300 and never different.

    What may be happening to you is this:

    Say your camera produces 3000x2000px images. Say your monitor is 1920x1280 (probably not 1280 but I'm keeping it simple). You open the image in a viewer at 100% (meaning one image pixel is one screen dot). You can't see all the image so you resize it to 1920x1280 and edit it to taste. You save it at 300 ppi. In this theoretical case, sorry numbers needed, the width of the print will be 1920p divided 300 p per inch = 6.4 inches and that's why they said what they said, I reckon.

    Even if you didn't resize the image, it's just as bad because 3000px/300ppi = 10" wide, just like they said.

    To get a bigger print, all you have to do is to set the file's ppi number smaller, say 150. Now you get 3000px/150ppi = 20" wide.

    Please note that, as the ppi gets smaller, the print gets bigger.

    There's a calculation where you can figure the ppi to get any size print from any size image but I'm not going to tell you that because Adobe stuff should do that automatically. I don't use Adobe, so someone here needs to tell how to set up your printing so that you just tell it what size print you want and Adobe sets the ppi for you in the saved image.

    Good luck, don't sell up yet, we can help you, trusssst me.

    P.S. What size prints do you want?
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 20th March 2017 at 04:37 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    I wonder if the best option on your own is to look for a tutorial, whether video or text, that relies heavily on screenshots of your software. Otherwise, hopefully someone who understands this stuff can come to your home and show you how to make everything happen using your software on your computer. If you lived within an hour of me I would be happy to do that and I'm sure I'm far from alone about that.

    Lacking all of that, simply send the lab your full-size file, not a smaller file you created from it. Most labs will work just fine with your full-size file.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?


    Moving forward I think you need to change your cameras setting for image size to Large. It's possible you have your camera set to capture small jpegs as your chair sides was set to 1066x2599 (1.70MP) and 3.55" x 533" at 300 DPI.

    How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    I think Robin probably has the answer.

    Many labs prefer that you do not downsize your images at all. They prefer to do it themselves. You simply capture the largest image you can (see John's post), then save the full-size image and send it to them, with instructions about the size of the print you want. They will resize the file as needed. If you do this, you are sending them as much information as possible. I print most of my own, but the lab I use here in the US when I don't print my own specifically asks that one send the largest file possible.

    So check with your lab to see if this is OK with them. If it is, you don't have to bother with resizing or thinking about resolution.

  7. #7
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    Re: How do I increase an image size in photoshop Elements 11 please?

    Hi, if you are looking for online solution, where there is no need to go to photoshop; this tool is really handy if you are using ipad or your smart phone. I will suggest use or if you don't want to do it at all and send to someone who can do it for you as well as other photo related editings i will suggest visit

    i hope this post is useful for you people

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