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Thread: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

  1. #1
    RonH's Avatar
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    Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    This is the Elements comparison chart:

    Has anyone chosen PSE 9 yet?

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    This is the Elements comparison chart:

    Has anyone chosen PSE 9 yet?
    So soon? I am still getting used to PSE 8.

  3. #3

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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Thanks for the link, which I have now read.

    I may have reached an age when I have started turning into Victor Meldrew, but all of the newer software, from a number of suppliers, appears to be offering me the opportunity of automatically doing things that I don't want to do anyway.

    They all seem to be trying to attract the basic 'point and shoot market' with their 'instant fix' remedies.

    What I am looking for is something that will do everything which I currently do, and in a similar manner, but do it better.

    Currently, I use Serif Photo Plus X3. I have tried their latest version (X4) and waited for the correction patch, but after giving it an exhaustive test I have returned to their previous X3 programme.

    I was considering Elements 8 but after reading that announcement I think I will remain with Photo Plus X3. The full Photoshop software may be something for me to consider but I suspect that I wouldn't use three quarters of it.

    Basically, I just try to get most variables correct at the time of shooting then make a few tweaks during Raw conversion and/or with rather traditional manual enhancement tools with somewhat 'down to earth' software.

    So until I find something which suits me exactly, I think I will stick with what I find familiar.

  4. #4
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Yep, I too am still getting used to PSE8
    Might be taking me longer than most, being a retiree

    Agreed, we are all under the control of software suppliers these days ... "do it our way 'cause if you don't, we will make life difficult for you" ...

  5. #5
    dragonaxe's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Interesting comparison. Does that REALLY mean you can't create layers with anything older than Elements9???

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonaxe View Post
    Interesting comparison. Does that REALLY mean you can't create layers with anything older than Elements9???
    Can't see where you're reading that Gareth, but no, you can do Layers in Elements 6 and beyond to my personal experience.
    The problem is, they are only available for 8 bit images, or are up to and including Elements 8, so maybe that's what they have changed in 9. (Sorry, haven't had time to read the link)

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th October 2010 at 06:02 PM.

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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonaxe View Post
    Interesting comparison. Does that REALLY mean you can't create layers with anything older than Elements9???
    What Dave said plus the new part is that you can use layer MASKS. Now I've never tried to use a mask so I don't know if Elements 8 can do it or not, but apparently Not and Elements 9 can.


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    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    What Dave said plus the new part is that you can use layer MASKS. Now I've never tried to use a mask so I don't know if Elements 8 can do it or not, but apparently Not and Elements 9 can.

    Ah yes that makes sense, I don't understand them either, but I was told I should use them once or twice and pointed at a work-around for getting the same functionality in 8.


  9. #9
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Hi folks,
    Elements 7 is what I use and have no experience of masks,however have installed a work around from this link but as yet hav'ent had a chance to experiment with it.

    Best Wishes Pat

  10. #10

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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Once you get to understand working with layers and semi transparent masks you will wonder how you managed without them.

    Brightening a layer but leaving part as the original (like the sky in a landscape) becomes relatively easy. And there are many other applications.

    That is one of the things which I like about Serif Photo Plus.

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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Once you get to understand working with layers and semi transparent masks you will wonder how you managed without them.

    Brightening a layer but leaving part as the original (like the sky in a landscape) becomes relatively easy. And there are many other applications.

    That is one of the things which I like about Serif Photo Plus.

    Hi Geoff,
    I see what you mean by wondering how one managed without them.Feeling under the weather the last couple of days the shot I took for todays october PAD was inside at home and I did a bit of experimenting in elements before I posted it, don't know if it is any good or not I have no experience with that kind of image.

    Best Wishes Pat

  12. #12
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    The few new options available in PSE9 do not seem worth the update (the automatic lighting fix, etc.). Those batch processing functions usually use a standard, one fix covers every situation. The one problem that I have with PSE8, that even if fixed in the latest version may not be worth the upgrade, is that the help program crashes every time I use it. I resorted to using printed documents, forums, and self help websites to work my way around issues I might have.

  13. #13
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    The few new options available in PSE9 do not seem worth the update ...
    I agree John and its not really an 'update' as far as I can determine ... you have to purchase PSE9 outright?
    I get the occasional programme crashes but my biggest gripe is trying to do monthly savings (in my case I do this monthly) to an ext hard drive. I find that a completely new save is the only way to go rather than fussing around with incremental which always stuffs up for me

  14. #14
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    I agree John and its not really an 'update' as far as I can determine ... you have to purchase PSE9 outright?
    I think if you go to Adobe's site, there usually is an upgarde price option, but it is (by previous experience) about 75 - 80% of buying outright and by the time you add shipping, it is almost the same as a retail pack on free delivery from Amazon - so that's how I bought PSE 8. Then I took the 1/2 price offer for CS5 through Adobe's site and found it a relatively painless purchasing process and it came in about 2 days, so I might not be so shy of them next time

    My PSE 6 (on Vista), or PSE 8 (on Win 7), I don't think has ever crashed. (famous last words)
    Sometimes after intensive use, some bits of PSE 6 used to be unavailable - most commonly the crop tool's aspect ratio couldn't be changed. Closing PSE 6 and re-opening fixed it - I suspect it was a memory problem (I had 2GB RAM).


  15. #15
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Can't see where you're reading that Gareth, but no, you can do Layers in Elements 6 and beyond to my personal experience.
    The problem is, they are only available for 8 bit images, or are up to and including Elements 8, so maybe that's what they have changed in 9. (Sorry, haven't had time to read the link)

    Create richly layered photos using layer masks
    That is wot is different; I wished I was a millionaire then I would just go out and buy it, like this chap in the US bought himself a tourer the size of a house and a Canon 1Ds and L type lenses and a top of the range computer and photoshop... just because he decided to go into part time retirement and take up a new hobby. Cor

    I want everything, a printer, profiled screen, CS5, a canon 1D MK IV, but then something always happens.

  16. #16
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I think if you go to Adobe's site, there usually is an upgarde price option
    Yes you are spot on Dave ... I also looked and decided it was not really an Upgrade price! Wouldn't it be nice to be treated to some real favours as existing customers Or maybe its just me getting older ...

    Occasional trouble with Crop Tool/lock-ups etc also but easy to fix ... I need to reboot pc though. And I also think its 'cause I have overcooked memory.

  17. #17
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Mine only crashes if I open too many photo's like 40 all at once but three or four seems to be ok.

  18. #18
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 now released

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Mine only crashes if I open too many photo's like 40 all at once but three or four seems to be ok.
    Ah yes, that might not help

    I do/did tend to only have one or two images open at a time, so I'd call myself a "light-user"

    I was living dangerously last night; I had both Katy's jpgs and one of my own RAWs open at the same time

    Reckless or wot?
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2010 at 07:43 PM.

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