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Thread: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

  1. #1
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    I went bird hunting on Monday.

    Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    This is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel

    C & C always welcomed.


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Nicely composed.

  3. #3
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Nice image

  4. #4

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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Very nice, I would crop just a bit from the top

  5. #5
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Thank you John and Nandakumar.

  6. #6
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Very nice, I would crop just a bit from the top

    Your crop suggestion is definitely an improvement but I still feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with the composition of this photo and I just don't know what it is. I was hoping to get more feedback but judging by the low response to the posting, I might not be the only one who feels that way.

    Thanks for your suggestion,


  7. #7

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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Hi again Andre Your BG also seems a bit too bright and I can detect some details when I look at it very carefully. So , reducing the highlights selectively in the BG might also improve the image.

    Quote Originally Posted by Round Tuit View Post

    Your crop suggestion is definitely an improvement but I still feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with the composition of this photo and I just don't know what it is. I was hoping to get more feedback but judging by the low response to the posting, I might not be the only one who feels that way.

    Thanks for your suggestion,


  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Hi André,

    Quote Originally Posted by Round Tuit View Post
    Your crop suggestion is definitely an improvement but I still feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with the composition of this photo and I just don't know what it is. I was hoping to get more feedback but judging by the low response to the posting, I might not be the only one who feels that way.
    I agree with Binnur's suggestion that there's a bit too much space above the head, so cropping is valid, but I then wish we could see a bit more neck. The top crop alone changes the aspect ratio to a 'short landscape' from the square you had. I feel that due to the subject shape, it needs to be square, if not a slightly portrait/vertical aspect ratio.

    I also agree that the bg is an unremitting white and would be better if it contained some (very blurred) toning, I hesitate to use the word 'detail', but hopefully you can work out what I'm not explaining very well.

    I guess you could try a vignette, not too deep and not too sharp edged though.

    I hope these additional thoughts assist you.

    Cheers, Dave

  9. #9
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Hi again Andre Your BG also seems a bit too bright and I can detect some details when I look at it very carefully. So , reducing the highlights selectively in the BG might also improve the image.
    Hi Binnur,

    I have darkened the background and added a bit of random noise to it. I have also cropped a bit from the top. What do you think?

    Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)


  10. #10
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi André,

    I agree with Binnur's suggestion that there's a bit too much space above the head, so cropping is valid, but I then wish we could see a bit more neck. The top crop alone changes the aspect ratio to a 'short landscape' from the square you had. I feel that due to the subject shape, it needs to be square, if not a slightly portrait/vertical aspect ratio.

    I also agree that the bg is an unremitting white and would be better if it contained some (very blurred) toning, I hesitate to use the word 'detail', but hopefully you can work out what I'm not explaining very well.

    I guess you could try a vignette, not too deep and not too sharp edged though.

    I hope these additional thoughts assist you.

    Cheers, Dave
    Hi Dave,

    I like both of your suggestions and will try to shift the bird up in the frame and add a subtle vignette. I'll post the result.
    You can see the effect of darkening the bg in my reply to Binnur.

    Thanks for your help.


  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Do not be discouraged by the minimal comments from others yet. Some people who comments might be away for the weekend or something. Like I saw this photo yesterday but we just came home so I did not comment. I was too tired to comment.. And remember for each comment that is posted, your image goes to the top and will be seen by others who just came in, like me.

    Anyway, that said, I like the slight improvement of the edit. Also the suggestion of Dave and Binnur. Now what about putting a slight catchlight in the eye? See if it will help...

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. #12
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    Izzie, I am touched by your concern over my feelings. I might have expressed myself poorly but let me reassure you that I do not feel discouraged in the least. I was trying to express surprise that so few members felt that this photo needed improvement badly enough for them to provide comments. I deeply appreciate all the comments that I have gotten since I joined this forum as these have greatly improve my photographic skills. I would not presume to be entitled to them; they are given freely and therefore gratefully accepted.

    As for the photo, I have completed one more round of corrections to incorporate Binnur's, Dave's and your comments. I have kept the square format but moved the head up closer to the top of the frame. I have also added a subtle vignette and a fake catchlight in the eye.

    Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    C & C always welcomed.


  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Snow Eating Goose (or Gander)

    It still looks nice to me, especially the duck's drool. I thought only dogs do that kind of thing. Anyway, thank you for sharing.

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