Hi John & everyone

Thank you all for the warm reception, as you could tell it was with not an insignificant degree of trepidation that I did this
I don't think I have had to explain things - you are correct here my husband was meant to submit photos of himself for his 20 yrs celebration with the 1 (American!) company - he wouldn't so I did it for him!
Another of my favourites is one for similar reasons - not because it showed any particular technical skill or artistic merit, but it was taken when I was offered the chance to photograph an International Basketball game here and 'access all areas'. There were 2 games, 1 wheelchair Basketball and then the regular one.
The real photographer from the local newspaper only arrived during the 'main game'
I felt that was a bit disrespectful and the wheelchair athletes deserved equal time...it turns out others agreed with me, no-one else was allowed the vantage point I had up in the roof.......
So I remember that lesson when I see this picture......but of course it is not conveyed by my photography, which doesn't matter really.
sorry I think I explain things better after my evening glass of red

- here is that picture anyway.
Thanks again & we look forward to Rob's next victim...doesn't hurt a bit!