I really like the first imageI would clone the pink thing on the lower right hand corner.
Hi Michael,
At the risk of appearing overly critical and bearing in mind that hindsight is a wonderful thing.
If I had shot these ...
In #1;
I'd clone or crop the red thing out from right hand side, as Binnur mentions
I'd similarly remove the thing poking in to top left corner
In #2;
I'd level the shot, ideally when taking, but I often fail at that too, but there's usually a post processing alternative
Exposure and White Balance are OK and focus is good, especially on #1.
I hope these thoughts are helpful, Dave
Very helpful comments all - thanks!
+1 to Dave. I am quite late in commenting -- the others already said what was on my mind as I viewed your shots. I am glad you had fun shooting these...
Looks like rain drops to me (thin, dead straight lines, all about same length; determined by shutter speed), I guess they're a bit more backlit there than elsewhere in frame.
As they are so localised and if I hadn't seen the other photo, I wouldn't have known how wet it was, I'd probably clone them out (rather than blur). (and you did a good job with the other stuff)
The kerb behind isn't horizontal, but it doesn't worry me, not sure I'd bother - and I'm usually someone that does.PS - forgot to level
Cheers, Dave