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Thread: Quarter Horse

  1. #1
    KimC's Avatar
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    Quarter Horse

    I haven't been around much lately - been spending a lot of time in Oklahoma with my niece the past few months (lots of important Senior Year events). While there, I have had a chance to hang out with her equestrian team. Since I know many of you enjoy horse pics, thought I'd share one. Yes, the lighting was harsh, but sometimes, you just have to work with it IMO

    Quarter Horse

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Welcome back, any reason for the severe crop? I like the processing though.

  3. #3
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Welcome back, any reason for the severe crop? I like the processing though.
    Thanks John. It wasn't cropped - I was trying different things and I wanted the focus solely on the horse.

  4. #4
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    An even more severe crop might work, too. Just below the rider's hand would be my choice for the image you are working toward. See what you think! Bravo for going for the focus you had in mind!

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Quote Originally Posted by KimC View Post
    Thanks John. It wasn't cropped - I was trying different things and I wanted the focus solely on the horse.
    Hi Kim,

    That's a difficult thing to do with a rider unless you use a wide aperture and focus solely on the horse's face; but then you'd lose that great contrast you've captured on this image. As you have more opportunities I would try including the full body of the rider and find ways to minimize the focus on the rider, one way might be to capture the rider backlit and hopefully horse will appear more prominent; possibly use a GND filter. Those two methods are the only ways I can think of doing it realistically; of course there are numerous post processing methods but I think a natural method would work best for this type of concept. Looking forward to seeing more of your horse and rider shots.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Sorry Kim, but the crop is not working for me either.

    The rider is such a significant compositional element who has rather unceremoniously been chopped off at the waist. That adds a lot of "negative tension" into the image. The horse and rider are intimately connected and are a single subject. You can't simply cut one out for no apparent reason. If you want an image without a rider, you're going to have to take it that way.

  7. #7
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Quote Originally Posted by KimC View Post
    . . . It wasn't cropped - I was trying different things and I wanted the focus solely on the horse.
    I believe that I understand the Vision. Difficult to realize that Vision: I think that a first step to its realization is to think through the aspects of THIS final image which inhibit clarity of the Vision and which distract the Viewer's Eye from your Vision. Doing this will serve to prepare you for the next shot.

    A few (not all of) the elements that I see in this image as "clutter" are:

    The Blue jeans/leg
    The white fence = not the fence itself but its line - where it is placed
    The tree- again not the tree itself - but its placement

    If we assume that we would want to minimize the elements listed above, whilst the Half Profile, Low Camera Elevation provides an elegant texture to the overall image (beautiful rendition of the Side of the Animal): perhaps your Vision would have less clutter and be more easily realized if the Camera's Viewpoint were different?


  8. #8
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Thank you for the critique on this image. I have to admit, as a horsewoman, I am very fond of this image and perhaps that has tainted my view. I would like to explain what I am fond of:

    - the wonderful connection the camera has with the horse
    - a beautiful, well cared for horse
    - a horse that enjoys his job fully - the way he carries himself, the relaxed, kind eye
    - the girls soft touch on the reins (yes that was a conscious decision to crop in camera there and below the waist) and the way her leg is connected with the horse
    - the way the light is playing with the dirt the horse is kicking up (i was dealing with a fierce wind)

    As I am a guest here, nothing is posed, nor can I make any requests. I must always stay outside the ring, and my position can not scare the horses in any way. Outside the ring, there is clutter on all sides (bleachers, silos, barns, more fencing). I selected to have the side with the less clutter as my BG. In addition, I selected a depth of field of 3.5 to further reduce it. I took this picture laying on the ground (I knew these horses were not spooky like the English horses) to get the angle I had in my vision.

    I appreciate the issues mentioned from a photographic standpoint; however, I personally still enjoy it.

  9. #9
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Quote Originally Posted by KimC View Post
    . . . I took this picture laying on the ground . . .
    Interesting. Thanks.

    How far away from the Camera was the Horse? (Linear Distance)

    What FL Lens? (my original guess was around 100 to 135)


  10. #10
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    I'm not good judging distances, but I would guess 20-25 feet. FL was 145.

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Interesting. Thanks.

    How far away from the Camera was the Horse? (Linear Distance)

    What FL Lens? (my original guess was around 100 to 135)


  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Nice job...

    My friend's granddaughter heard that her grandfather was going to purchase a quarter horse and asked him which quarter of the horse he was going to buy

  12. #12
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Thanks Richard. Cute story :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Nice job...

    My friend's granddaughter heard that her grandfather was going to purchase a quarter horse and asked him which quarter of the horse he was going to buy

  13. #13

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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Sorry, but it does nothing for me. I want either a horse on its own or, if ridden, then I want the whole rider
    Roy ( please ignore if you disagree )

  14. #14
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Thanks Roy, we are all entitled to our own opinions and I respect that. I explained above why it works for me, and I now understand it doesn't work for the majority. That's ok... it's about learning for me. I may like, but I need to hear what others see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rent View Post
    Sorry, but it does nothing for me. I want either a horse on its own or, if ridden, then I want the whole rider
    Roy ( please ignore if you disagree )

  15. #15
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    I don't believe that to be the case, Kim. I think audience is everything, and if you posted this on a horse forum, you may get different responses.

    Nice picture. I "get" what you were after.


  16. #16
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Thanks Marie. Yes, I agree. My reference to "majority" was to this forum. :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    I don't believe that to be the case, Kim. I think audience is everything, and if you posted this on a horse forum, you may get different responses.

    Nice picture. I "get" what you were after.


  17. #17

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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Not only am I late to the party, but I'm also in the minority: I think this is a fabulous image exactly as is. Great perspective. Rich tonalities. I can almost feel the dust in the air. The "bookend" placement of the two trees. The rider's tension in her legs, which are standing in the stirrups causing her to rise above the saddle, yet while maintaining such soft relaxation in both hands. (Cropping beneath the hands as suggested would eliminate that part of the story being told.) No use of a knot in the reins. Pristine saddlery and rider's clothing in comensurate condition. The strong light suggests some of the warmest part of the day. I've given up trying to find something I don't like about this image.

    On the other hand, if you truly wanted focus solely on the horse as you explained, the image doesn't accomplish that. That's because the relationship between the horse and rider are such an integral part of the image. I actually wonder if it would have been more accurate to have written that you wanted focus primarily rather than solely on the horse. If that's the case, the image certainly accomplishes that...and more.

    By the way, watching a Quarter Horse that is fully trained and experienced at the specialization of cutting a cow from the herd is quite a thing to behold.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 26th March 2017 at 05:16 PM.

  18. #18

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    Re: Quarter Horse

    I just want to say that as soon as I saw the image I said to myself that 'what a beautiful horse'. No comments from me about the image as I'm stunned by the beautiful horse Kim

  19. #19

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    Re: Quarter Horse


    A wonderful shot of a pleasure horse. One doesn't need to see the rider to appreciate the bond between horse and rider.



  20. #20
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Quarter Horse

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Not only am I late to the party, but I'm also in the minority: I think this is a fabulous image exactly as is. Great perspective. Rich tonalities. I can almost feel the dust in the air. The "bookend" placement of the two trees. The rider's tension in her legs, which are standing in the stirrups causing her to rise above the saddle, yet while maintaining such soft relaxation in both hands. (Cropping beneath the hands as suggested would eliminate that part of the story being told.) No use of a knot in the reins. Pristine saddlery and rider's clothing in comensurate condition. The strong light suggests some of the warmest part of the day. I've given up trying to find something I don't like about this image.
    Thanks for understanding why I am so fond of it Mike.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    On the other hand, if you truly wanted focus solely on the horse as you explained, the image doesn't accomplish that. That's because the relationship between the horse and rider are such an integral part of the image. I actually wonder if it would have been more accurate to have written that you wanted focus primarily rather than solely on the horse. If that's the case, the image certainly accomplishes that...and more.
    Yes, I agree, that would have been a better way to express my goal; however, I don't think it would have changed the opinions of the majority on this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    By the way, watching a Quarter Horse that is fully trained and experienced at the specialization of cutting a cow from the herd is quite a thing to behold.
    These horses are just that. Many are ex-show horses that were donated - I could watch them all day :-)

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