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Thread: Rare Br'er Rabbit

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Rare Br'er Rabbit

    This rabbit and at least one other one will be cooked this Saturday and paired with this wine. Yesterday when I was frequently looking out for the rabbits to be delivered, my wife was calling me Elmer Fudd.

    The tabletop is a piece of wood and the background is a floor tile. A small continuous-light lamp was flagged to minimize the light falling on the background. It was in the right front area positioned to produce pleasing lighting and to also prevent as much glare as possible from appearing on the meat. That's because the polarizer didn't eliminate any of that glare whatsoever. (The small amount of glare produced by the light was removed during post-processing.) A flashlight in the left front area set to its lowest brightness added interest to the rabbit's left front leg and part of the cleaver to enhance that area of the scene.

    Rare Br'er Rabbit
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 29th March 2017 at 05:56 PM.

  2. #2
    bje07's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    It's a RAW file

  3. #3
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Mike, I don't think I'm going to be able to see a rabbit in quite the same way ever again.... As regards the Chardonnay I might have chosen a Sancerre.... Regardless, I rather wish I was coming to dinner on Saturday

    ps excellent image

  4. #4

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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Thanks, guys!

    James: I agree that a Sancerre would be a great pairing with the rabbit in many circumstances. I just love the elegance of a Sauvignon Blanc made in that style. However, the dish I'll prepare is so rich that a Sancerre in my mind would not properly stand up to it. Thus my preference for a bigger Chardonnay.

  5. #5
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    We have two in our yard! They were stretched out in the clover patch this morning, lazily chewing on the greens. Would you want them too?

    Interesting pic and well done as you always do!

  6. #6
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Actually made me giggle when I saw this.

    Dear Mike,

    A real paradigm shift. Classicism paired with an edgy "raw" topic.

    Great choices, great lighting, lovely PP.


  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Meaty looking cut, I like the use of the cleaver to indicate size of the display.

  8. #8

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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Thank you also to Sandy, Marie and John!

    Many Americans tend to stay away from eating rabbit because they don't like the idea of eating Bugs Bunny, Br'er Rabbit or any cute, fuzzy rabbit they adore in the wild. If indeed they're eating rabbit, they would rather think and be told they're eating chicken. The same people will often not like to eat deer meat because they feel as if they're eating Bambi. Most Americans will have nothing to do with eating horse meat and are quite happy with their laws that prevent that from happening. My photo was designed to poke quite a lot of fun at that mentality.

  9. #9
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thank you also to Sandy, Marie and John!

    Many Americans tend to stay away from eating rabbit because they don't like the idea of eating Bugs Bunny, Br'er Rabbit or any cute, fuzzy rabbit they adore in the wild. If indeed they're eating rabbit, they would rather think and be told they're eating chicken. The same people will often not like to eat deer meat because they feel as if they're eating Bambi. Most Americans will have nothing to do with eating horse meat and are quite happy with their laws that prevent that from happening. My photo was designed to poke quite a lot of fun at that mentality.
    Hi Mike ~ Yep, we used to munch on rabbit quite often. My hubby raised them as meat for the neighbors who enjoyed the taste. That's why I was offering two more if you wanted them. LOL I don't really care for the gamey taste. It's been said it depends on preparation.... but then I don't like "fishy" tasting fish either!
    Have a great day and keep those interesting photos coming!

  10. #10

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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    It has been so long since I ate wild rabbit as a child that I don't remember what it tastes like. (My older brother and father would hunt rabbits with rifles at dusk.) Farmed rabbit doesn't taste gamey to me but I've never been accused of having the most refined or sensitive palate at the dinner table. The most gamey food I've ever tasted is farm-raised New Zealand green-tipped mussels, which I love for that flavor. Most deer I have access to is also farm-raised in New Zealand and I like that partly for its slightly gamey flavors. So, maybe it's that I don't recognize the gamey flavor of farm-raised rabbit and that, if I did, I would like it.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 30th March 2017 at 04:28 PM.

  11. #11

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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Having just now completed removing the meat from five rabbits, parceling everything into servings and freezing most of it, even I have had enough of rabbit for the day.

  12. #12
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    It has been so long since I ate wild rabbit as a child that I don't remember what it tastes like. (My older brother and father would hunt rabbits with rifles at dusk.) Farmed rabbit doesn't taste gamey to me but I've never been accused of having the most refined or sensitive palate at the dinner table. The most gamey food I've ever tasted is farm-raised New Zealand green-tipped mussels, which I love for that flavor. Most deer I have access to is also farm-raised in New Zealand and I like that partly for its slightly gamey flavors. So, maybe it's that I don't recognize the gamey flavor of farm-raised rabbit and that, if I did, I would like it.
    Mike your reference to Elmer Fudd and New Zealand in this post reminded me of a rooftop statue I saw in Dunedin. None of our party understood the purpose of the rooftop display, nor could we put a name to the character. In fact it was only I who thought it was a cartoon character. The next morning I remembered Elmer Fudd, though I'm not sure if the aforementioned statue was the cartoon character, I may be doing Dunedin a disservice.
    Your choice of subject matter never fails to amaze me, keep the surprises coming

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    Re: Rare Br'er Rabbit

    Thanks, Peter!

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